Monday, August 24, 2020

Higher education in the USA Essay Example for Free

Advanced education in the USA Essay Faktorami, opredelyayuschimi yavlyaetsya li uchrezhdenie odnim iz luchshih, ili odnim iz menee prestizhnyh, yavlyayutsya: kachestvo obucheniya fakultetov, kachestvo oborudovaniya dlya issledovanij, uroven finansirovaniya bibliotek, specialnyh programm, I t. d. , a takzhe kompetentnost I chislo pretendentov na priem, to est naskolko dannoe uchrezhdenie svobodno v vybore studentov. Vse 'eti faktory dopolnyayut medicate druga. Voobsche v Soedinennyh SHtatah priznano, chto est bolee I menee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya dlya obucheniya I polucheniya vysshego obrazovaniya. Bolee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya obychno, no ne vsegda, yavlyayutsya bolee dorogostoyaschimi, I okonchanie odnogo iz nih mozhet prinesti znachitelnye preimuschestva, poskolku kazhdyj chelovek ischet vozmozhnost zanyatosti I socialnuyu podvizhnost v predelah obschestva. Konkurs na postuplenie v takoj kolledzh pobuzhdaet milliony starsheklassnikov sdavat SAT kazhdyj god. No nedavno akcent na vstupitelnyh 'ekzamenah shiroko kritikovalsya v Soedinennyh SHtatah, potomu chto 'ekzameny pozvolyayut opredelit kompetentnost v matematike I anglijskom yazyke. V zaschituispolzovaniya  'ekzamenov kak kriteriev pri postuplenii, rukovoditeli mnogih universitetov govoryat, chto ispolzovanie SAT pozvolyaet spravedlivo reshit, kogo prinyat, kogda imeetsya 10 ili 12 pretendentov na odno mesto. Mogut li kolledzhi I universitety Ameriki osnovyvatsya na ih rezultatah? Priblizitelno 12 millionov studentov v nastoyaschee vremya poseschayut shkoly vysshego obrazovaniya v Amerike. Oni studenty v obschestve, kotoroe verit v svyaz mezhdu obrazovaniem I demokratiej. Odnako, mnozhestvo amerikancev ne udovletvoreny sostoyaniem vysshego obrazovaniya v ih strane. Vozmozhno, naibolee shiroko rasprostranennoe nedovolstvo vyzyvaet uchebnyj plan kolledzha v celom I shirokij diapazon dopolnitelnyh zanyatij v chastnosti. V seredine 80-yh godov proshlogo veka Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej (AAC) vypustila doklad, v kotorom prizyvala k prepodavaniyu bazovoj chasti obschih znanij vsem studentam kolledzha. Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya (NIE) vypustil podobnyj zhe doklad-Uchastie v obuchenii. V svoem doklade NIE zaklyuchil, chto uchebnyj plan kolledzha stal chrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskim I svyazannym s rabotoj. V nem takzhe preduprezhdaetsya, chto obrazovanie kolledzha bolshe ne mozhet razvivat v studentah razdelennye cennosti I znaniya, chto tradicionno svyazyvayut Amerikancev vmeste. Sereznoe obvinenie. Dejstvitelno li 'eto tak? V nekotoroj stepeni na dannyj second 'eto vozmozhno. Konechno, nekotorye studenty zakanchivayut svoe obuchenie bez kursa po Zapadnoj Civilizacii, ne upominaya drugie mirovye kultury. Drugie ostavlyayut kolledzh, ne izuchiv nauku ili pravitelstvo. V otvet, mnogie kolledzhi nachali peresmatrivat osnovnoj uchebnyj plan, s kotorym vse studenty dolzhny spravlyatsya. 'Eti problemy priznak togo, chto vysshee obrazovanie v Amerike menyaetsya, kak 'eto imelo mesto vsegda v self image istorii. I, kak v proshlom, 'eto izmenenie mozhet idti v neozhidannyh napravleniyah. Puritane osnovyvali kolledzhi, chtoby obuchat ministrov. No ih studenty proyavili sebya kak osnovopolozhniki pervoj v soil konstitucionnoj demokratii. Kolledzhi predostavleniya zemli byli osnovany, chtoby prepodavat selskoe hozyajstvo I proektirovanie stroitelyam Amerikanskogo Zapada. Segodnya, mnogie iz 'etih kolledzhej yavlyayutsya veduschimi shkolami v nauchno-issledovatelskom soil. Amerikancy vsegda delali stavku na sozdanie sistemnoj raboty. Oni imeyut osobo veskie prichiny dlya vypolneniya 'etogo v oblasti obrazovaniya. Lyudi v Soedinennyh SHtatah segodnya stalkivayutsya s vazhnymi voprosami: CHto yavlyaetsya nadlezhaschej rolyu Ameriki kak strany s samoj staroj v soil konstitucionnoj demokratiej; s samoj bolshoj 'ekonomikoj; yavlyayuschejsya pervoj yadernoj derzhavoj? Amerikancy uvazhayut svoe pravo vyrazit mnenie po vsem 'etim problemam. No lyudi Soedinennyh SHtatov takzhe gluboko osoznayut, chto takie problemy dolzhny rassmatrivatsya v komplekse. CHtoby prinimat uchastie v novyh voznikayuschih problemah, bolshinstvo amerikancev chuvstvuet, chto oni nuzhdayutsya vo vsej informacii, kotoruyu oni mogut poluchit. Kolledzhi I universitety naibolee vazhnye centry takogo izucheniya. I nezavisimo ot togo, chto mogut trebovatsya usovershenstvovaniya, ih buduschee polnostyu garantiruetsya amerikanskoj zhazhdoj progressa I horoshej informirovannosti. Fakticheski, sleduyuschej zadachej amerikanskogo obrazovaniya mozhet detail tendenciya dlya lyudej prodolzhit ih obrazovanie v kolledzhe dlya dalnejshej zhizni. Slovar. An Accept Prinimat Achieves Dostigat Accomplishment Vypolnenie Account Schet Adequate Adekvatnyj Admission Dopusk Admitted Dopuschennyj Advantage Preimuschestvo Agriculture Selskoe hozyajstvo. Sum Kolichestvo Applicant Pretendent Application Zayavlenie Association of American Colleges(AAC) Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej Available Dostupnyj Aware Znaya B Bachelors qualification Stepen Bakalavra Be either Byt takzhe Beyond Vne Bond Obyazatelstvo C Certainly Konechno Community Soobschestvo Competition Sorevnovanie Competence Kompetentnost Complete Polnyj Comprise Vklyuchit Condition Uslovie(sostoyanie) Contain Soderzhat Conversely Naoborot Costly Dorogostoyaschij Criticized Kritikuemyj Currently V nastoyaschee vremya Curriculum Uchebnyj plan D. Request Trebovanie Democracy Demokratiya Desirable ZHelatelnyj Determining Opredelenie Distinction Razlichie Duration Prodolzhitelnost E Elective Izbiratelnyj Emphasis Akcent Employment Zanyatost Equal esteem Ravnyj prestizh Excessively professional and business related CHrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskij I svyazannyj s rabotoj Exist Suschestvovat G Graduate Diplomirovannyj master Government Pravitelstvo H Higher instruction Vysshee obrazovanie I Impression Vpechatlenie Independent Nezavisimyj Interviews Intervyu Issued Vypuschennyj L Lead Liderstvo. Lion's share Bolshinstvo Masters qualification Stepen mastera Measure Mera Mention Upominanie Merely Prosto Might Mog by N National Institute of Education(NIE) Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya Nuclear force YAdernaya derzhava O Offer Predlozhenie Obtain Poluchit Opinions Mneniya Opportunities Vozmozhnosti Outstanding Vydayuschijsya P Painfully Gluboko Particular Specificheskij(osobennyj) Percent Procent Perhaps Vozmozhno Proper Nadlezhaschij Provide Obespechit Public Gosudarstvennyj(obschestvennyj) Puritans Puritane Private CHastnyj R Receive Poluchit. As of late Nedavno Recognized Priznannyj Recommendations Rekomendacii Regard Otnoshenie Reinforce Ukrepit Respect Uvazhenie S Satisfactory Udovletvoritelnyj Satisfied Udovletvorennyj Seek Iskat Similar Podobnyj Simply Prosto Scholars Uchenye Scientific research Nauchnoe issledovanie Social versatility Socialnaya mobilnost Success Uspeh T Traditional tie Tradicionno svyazyvayut The common qualities and information Razdelennye cennosti I znanie Q Quality of research offices Kachestvo sredstv obsluzhivaniya issledovaniya W Whether Li Widespread SHiroko rasprostranennyj.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wed Class Cases due Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marry Class Cases due - Assignment Example Indeed, I can say that the achievement of the entire task lies on the structure you created. As of now, there is some interruption with specialized sythesis of the undertaking and that is taking up everyone’s center. The subtleties in the specialized piece will improve the structure you think of, along these lines, as much as scarcely any remarks emerge as of now, you are a key individual in the accomplishment of this group. Hi Vander, this is a declaration of my enthusiasm for the up and coming position is high since I trust I have the stuff. I can bolster this since I have a science certificate, record of achievement for greatness, amazing representative record, and sufficient experience. I am astoundingly excited about consumer loyalty and focuses on creation of value. I demand for your help of my enthusiasm for this position since I trust you are centered around supporting the best ability for the position. On 3 April 2012, I took care of for my power tab through versatile cash details, yet things never worked out. I remained in haziness for a few hours before picking to purchase units through different methods following a few hours of attempting to arrive at client care futile. My telephone number is +4457898769 and I am mentioning for a discount since, about fourteen days after the fact, I have not gotten the tokens I had purchased. Dear Sir, following the data clients has been getting as of late with respect to guarantees; it implies that there is more data to the clients than our organization at any point anticipated. This is definitely not something beneficial for the notoriety of our organization, as the clients will before long gander at our organization as cheaters, particularly on the off chance that we don't convey the guarantee we make to them. It isn't fitting moving forward with the endeavors of preparing the business group if the organization needs to spare its notoriety from negative assessments of clients. Online networking has become an extraordinary route for administrators meeting with their customers. That is the thing that Opra Winfrey, Richard Branson and Donald Trump

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The International Security Policy Concentration at SIPA An Overview COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

The International Security Policy Concentration at SIPA An Overview COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Despite popular belief, the International Security Policy (ISP) concentration is not only for veterans and war hawks. Rather, it is a multidimensional concentration designed for students interested in topics as diverse as political violence, conflict management, defense policy, military strategy, terrorism and unconventional warfare, arms control, intelligence, peacekeeping, coercion, negotiation, and alternatives to the use of force as an instrument of policy. Not only do students cover a wide breadth of topics in the concentration, the students themselves represent a number of different backgrounds and come from various experiences. Enrolled in ISP are diplomats, former soldiers, recovering private sector analysts, humanitarian workers and peacekeepers. And then there are those that are still finding their way. SIPA’s diversity is constantly benefiting students, but perhaps no more so for those studying in the ISP concentration. More than 50 percent of the student body comes from outside the United States, which allows for classes to integrate different points of view on the same conflict. When studying conflict, the students’ unique perspectives plays an outsized role. There is nothing quite like analyzing the phenomenon of transnational crime from a Mexican or French perspective, or looking at terrorism through the lens of Israeli and Palestinian students. The professors in the ISP concentration are phenomenal; most have field experience and many are adjuncts who come to teach after spending the day at the NYPD, DoD, Capitol Hill, among other security institutions. They are always willing to meet with students and impart their professional advice. Though SIPA’s curriculum is often characterized as being broad and flexible, one will be able to niche themselves in the ISP concentration.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Aging Schedule of Accounts Receivable - 1396 Words

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: 1. Table 1: Aging Schedule of Accounts Receivable AGE OF ACCOUNT | BALANCE OUTSTANDING | % OF TOTAL BALANCE OUTSTANDING | 0-15 days | $ 20,000 | 19.59 % | 16-30 days | 30,000 | 29.39 | 31-60 days | 40,000 | 39.19 | 61-90 days | 10,000 | 9.80 | Beyond 90 days | 2,071 | 2.03 | TOTAL | $ 102,071 | 100.0 % | 2. To evaluate the credit quality of Aero-Strip’s accounts receivables portfolio, we turn to their average collection period (ACP) and aging of accounts receivable. Knowing the ACP enables the firm to determine whether there is a general problem with the accounts receivable. The firm has credit terms of 2/10, net 30 so it would expect its ACP to equal about 30 days. Calculating the ACP of the†¦show more content†¦If Aero-Strip decides to sell its new invoices to a factor, the total financing available for 90 days is $ 35,200. CUSTOMER | AMOUNT | Ace Aviation, Inc.Express ShuttleLomax CharterMiller Aerial SurveyingPointers Aviation, Inc. | $ 7,290 18,554 2,497 13,121 8,532 | TOTAL | $ 50,000 | $ 50,000- ($50,000 x 80%)= $ 40,000 Less: reserve ($40,000 x 10%) 4,000 Commission ($40,000 x 2%) 800 TOTAL FINANCING $ 35,200 6. Effective Annual Rate=Total interest paid+Toal fees paidUsabel fundsÃâ€"36590 a. i=9%36590=2.22% Total interest paid=2.22% Ãâ€" $58,668.49=$ 1,301.96 EAR= $ 1,301.96$58,668.49Ãâ€" 36590=9% b. i= 8%36590=1.97% Total interest paid=1.97% Ãâ€"$35,200=$694.36 EAR= $ 694.36+$800$35,200Ãâ€"36590=17.22% The effective annual rate for pledging accounts receivable and factoring accounts receivable is 9% and 17.22%, respectively. 7. If I were to represent the commercial bank I would tell Howard that pledging his accounts receivable is better than factoring because there will be no transfer of the ownership of the accounts receivable and customer remittances will go directly to the company. In addition, hiring a credit manager would beShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Accounts Receivable Balances893 Words   |  4 PagesInterpretation of the Receivables Data Accounts receivable balances Accounts receivables balances are the uncollected amounts as at a specific point in time. For instance, for year one, first quarter at end of March, the balance is $ 386,875 and for the second quarter it is $ 333,000. For the second year, it is estimated that the balance as at end of March and June shall be $ 449,000 and $ 395,125 respectively. Average collection period (ACP) The average collection period is the average number ofRead MoreCase 27 - Finance1395 Words   |  6 PagesCase 27 1. For this question, ignore the forecasted receivables collection pattern in Exhibit 27.4. Using paper and pencil (do NOT use the template), calculate the projected ACP and average daily sales (ADS) under the following conditions: 30% of customers pay on the 10th day 50% of customers pay on the 30th day 20% of customers pay on the 60th day 800,000 units sold per year @ $5 per unit = $4,000,000/360 Remember, since there are no balance sheets or operating statements, you will haveRead MoreGoal Cash Management981 Words   |  4 Pagesof timely payment discounts. One method to control distribution is a zero-balance account. A zero-balance account is a bank account have a zero balance. Funds are transferred from a master account as needed to cover checks written. The funds can remain in an interest bearing account as long as possible (p 604). 16.5) Average collection period is the average length of time it takes a business to collect its receivables (p 615). ACP is used to monitor revenue cycle performance by (p 615): Allowing aRead MoreAcc/291 Week 11178 Words   |  5 Pagesdisposition of accounts receivables? What is their function? Since the majority of US thrive on the use of credit cards, the accounts receivables for a company may no longer be on a cash-to-cash basis. A company may need to sell these accounts to other companies who specialize in handling accounts receivables if they need cash more quickly or if it would be too costly to perform the necessary billing to collect on the account. The entries used to record the disposition when the receivables are soldRead MoreChapter 5 Assinment Essay973 Words   |  4 Pagesprojected average receivables level? d) If Tyler is estimating a gross profit margin, or contribution margin, of 40 percent, how much of the receivables balance must actually be financed? What would Texas Rose’s balance sheet figures for accounts receivable and notes payable be at the end of the year if notes payable are used to finance the investment in receivables? e) If short-term bank loans cost 12 percent, what is the projected annual cost of carrying the receivables? a. DSO=10*30%+30*55%+60*15%=3+16Read MoreThe, Oxley Act ( Sox )882 Words   |  4 Pagesrequires companies to accurately report the value of all assets including accounts receivables. A big part of accurately representing the value of accounts receivable is to account for the bad debts that may not be collected. According to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), bad debts must be recognized as an expense in the same period as the revenue is recognized (Narayanan). Using the direct write-off method to account for bad debt does not comply with this standard. Two allowance methodsRead MoreThe First Day Of Internship1143 Words   |  5 Pagesautomatically set limits on material misstatement that was $78,800 and I marked any accounts in trial balance above its amounts. Jan 12: I started auditing cash transaction of a property management company located in Fresno. There were petty cash, operating cash account, saving account, and reserve account. To investigate fraud or material misstatement, I firstly checked to verify the balance of each cash account and the balance of each confirmation from bank. I also examined client’s year-end balanceRead MoreThe Healthcare Delivery Landscape Is Dramatically Changing1004 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiences throughout the revenue cycle chain. 2.Statistical scoring provides an accurate, reliable tool for assessing liquidity and determining which accounts are best managed in-house and which deserve early consideration for outside placement with primary collection agents and/or selling aged accounts receivables on a pre-determined schedule. 3.Experienced third party medical debt recovery agents utilizing BI stand to achieve higher recovery rates based on historical data and predictive scoringRead MoreAccounts Receivable Management11518 Words   |  47 PagesAN EVALUATION OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT BY MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NAKURU MUNICIPALITY [pic] RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE IN BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (ACCOUNTING OPTION) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS KABARAK UNIVERSITY APRIL 2008 DECLARATION This research project is our original work and has not been presented for the award of any diploma or degree in any other university or college or any other institution of higher learning. Signature______________________________Read MoreThe Reduction Of A / R Days862 Words   |  4 Pagesand correction of these issues will keep the doors of the facility open. The key players and activities that will commence are I. Accounting/Finance Department a. Differentiate current accounts receivable and classify them as current or unresolved b. Aging of Accounts Receivable Schedule Preparation c. Identify contributing factor of the average collection period that are within the controls of hospital management d. Assess current credit collection policies, standards, and

Friday, May 8, 2020

Biology Digestion Ia - 1380 Words

Biology Digestion IA 13/03/2013 Jason Gao Rationale: Digestion is the chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed. Digestion is a form of catabolism: a breakdown of large food molecules to smaller ones. When food enters into stomach, gastric juice starts protein digestion. Gastric juice mainly contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The pH value of hydrochloric in the stomach is 2, as the activity of pepsin is optimal, while it will lose its activity at pH 6.5 and above. However, pepsin will regain its activity at pH of 8. In the range of pH1 to pH6.5, pepsin will be most active at pH2, and starts to decrease its†¦show more content†¦And it has a lowest activity at 0M that is water. While the activity is a little bit higher at 0.2M than 0.05M, and the activity is la little bit lower at 0.3M than 0.05M. Besides, the activity at o.4M is only higher than water, which is 0M. Therefore, it can be summed that at an optimal point, protease enzyme pepsin can work most actively. Conclusion: In conclusion, the results of this experiment indicate that the optimum concentration of hydrochloride solution for pepsin with highest activity is 0.1M. While at the lower concentration like 0M and 0.05M or higher concentration like 0.2M, 0.3M and 0.4M, pepsin has a lower activity. This shows that the protease enzyme has a particular relationship with hydrochloride solution. Also, it answers the research question, which the activity of protease enzyme will be affected by the concentration of hydrochloride solution. That is the activity of pepsin rises at first until reach an optimal point, which is 0.1M. After the point, the activity begins to fall. Its graph is like the relationship between activity of enzyme and pH value, which is showed blew. Therefore, it can be concluded that the concentration of hydrochloride solution also indicates the pH value of the solution. Consequently, 0.1M of hydrochloride solution is optimal for pepsin’s activity. Evaluation: Aspect | Limitation | Improvements | Time | As the time is not much, these data had been only collected for oneShow MoreRelatedEssay about Placental Ruminants and Herbivorous Marsupials of Australia3561 Words   |  15 Pagesdue to the harsh and distinctive environment found on the continent. The major area of marsupial biology that distinguishes them from all other eutherian mammals is their mode of reproduction. However, it can be said that there are many other areas in which unique differences can be seen between marsupials and eutherian mammals; one such area of adaptation is in the anatomy and physiology of digestion, which distinguishes them from many other similar animals worldwide. The foregut fermentersRead MoreRevision Checklist for Igcse Biology6564 Words   |  27 PagesRevision Checklist for IGCSE Biology 0610 Guide for Students REVISION CHECKLIST for IGCSE Biology 0610 A guide for students How to use this guide The guide describes what you need to know about your IGSCE Biology examination. It can be used to help you to plan your revision programme for the theory examinations and will explain what the examiners are looking for in the answers you write. It can also be used to help you revise by using the tick boxes in Section 3, ‘What you need to know?’, toRead MoreBIOLOGY GRADE 11 NOTES Essay examples6702 Words   |  27 Pagesï » ¿Biology Grade 11 Exam Study Guide Diversity Taxonomic Categories Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Hierarchy From most general to most specific Binomial Nomenclature System used to identify all organisms on Earth Identifies an organism by its genus and species (ex. Humans-homo sapiens) Developed by Linnaeus in the 18th century Identifying Species 3 methods: Morphology ïÆ'   Form and shape ïÆ'   It is simple but there are natural variations in population Read MoreUniversity of Nairobi Bsc. Civil Engineering Degree Programme Details6511 Words   |  27 PagesSTUDY - SEMESTER I FCE 101 - Communication Skills (45 hrs) For details see course CCS 004 under common undergraduate courses. FCE 103 - Development Process (45 hrs) For details see course CCS 001 under common undergraduate courses. FCE 131 - Physics IA (45 hrs) Mechanics and Properties of Matter : Introduction to dynamics: circular motion; simple harmonic motion (SHM); rotation of rigid bodies; Newtons Law of gravitation Introduction to statics: force systems on rigid bodies at rest: equilibrium:Read MoreDevelopment Of The Mammary Gland9524 Words   |  39 Pagesassessment of lymph node status and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) system. Staging based on the TNM classification system evaluates tumor size (â€Å"T†), presence of cancer cells within local lymph nodes (â€Å"N†) and tumor metastasis (â€Å"M†) (see table IA ). The UICC further groups the TNM data into the stages listed in the table below (Table IB). Neither of stage systems is inaccurate. Thus, to improve the TNM system, a separate pathological/histological classification has been added to allowing betterRead MorePublic Fe Reference Handbook.Pdf46179 Words   |  185 PagesHeat Transfer  Transport Phenomena  Biology  Chemistry Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Wor ds   |  1573 PagesOverall Job Satisfaction 81 Exhibit 3-3 5.80 5.60 5.40 5.20 5.00 4.80 4.60 4.40 4.20 5.43 5.32 5.68 Average Levels of Job Satisfaction by Country 5.20 5.20 5.12 5.08 5.08 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 4.84 4.77 4.74 ay an y ly ss ia en ry ga A a nd UK nd ce Re p ar US ad Ita ed nm m an w la la Ru Po an er or ch Sw De itz N er C ze Sw G Note: Scores represent average job-satisfaction

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Documents Free Essays

Administration and Related Streams How To Use The Business Report Template (version 1. 0) Formal business reports are prepared in a different format than essays or other academic assignments. Preparing professional reports, and proposals, will help you communicate your ideas to your employers while also adding to your value as an employee. We will write a custom essay sample on Documents or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is an important skill to develop and practice while here at Centennial. Business writing should involve three key steps: Planning Writing Completing Planning: Analyzing the situation or topic. Defining the purpose, the â€Å"business problem† or opportunity’ that a report may address. Formulating a main message for your report – often this involves proposing a solution or response to the purpose. Developing an audience profile. Gathering information. In other words, primary and secondary research, as required. Organizing the information: Creating an outline or structure for the key points that need to be expressed. Writing: Adapting to the audience. Developing a tone or style that is sensitive to audience needs while projecting and protecting your organization’s image and/or brand. Composing the message: Follow the outline prepared earlier, using carefully instructed paragraphs and sentences. Identify or create any visual or graphic representations of data that you want to use. Completing: Revising: Proofread and edit for spelling, grammar and typographical errors. Re-write for conciseness and clarity. To assist you with the formatting of such documents, we have prepared a template that you can use to guide you through the report preparation process. Download the template. Save one â€Å"master † copy to use again in the future. Save a new copy with a new file name that reflects your report or assignment. Instructions are given and highlighted in yellow. Read all instructions and delete them when you no longer need them. Replace all other elements (titles, headings, sample text, etc. ) with YOUR content, as instructed. When you finish using the template, the final document should contain your own original work, formatted as a standard business report. All instructions or examples given in this template should be either deleted or replaced with your own content. Instructions for the cover page: The next page is a cover page and contains the report title (mandatory), a subtitle (optional) and information on the author, the intended audience (in this case, a roofless), and the date it was prepared. Every business report should have a title that reflects its content or â€Å"main message†. The title should be in the same font as the body of your work, but at least twice as large as your regular text. It should be centered, bold, underlined and should appear about one third to halfway down the page from the top. Depending on the nature and content of the report, you may decide that a subtitle is appropriate. For example, a report about recycling in Toronto might look like this: Recycling In Toronto Saving The City One Plastic Bottle At A Time Titles do not require punctuation, although you can use a colon at the end of the title if you decide to use a subtitle. This is optional. Guidelines regarding fonts and font sizes: Use either a simple sans serif font (Ariel, Calamari, OTTOMH) or Times New Roman (a simple serif font). Regardless of which font you select, use the same font for the entire document. Do not use italics at any point in your report. Use the following font sizes and configurations: Cover Page Title: 22 point, bold, underlined, centered Cover Page SubTitle: 16 point, centered Headings: 16 point ,bold, underlined, centered Subheadings: 13 point, bold, underlined left-justified Body text: 1 1 point DELETE THIS PAGE BEFORE YOU HAND IN YOUR WORK! The Title Of Your Report The Subtitle of Your Report Your Name Your Student Number Professor’s Name Course Name Course Code Date Submitted Executive Summary Instructions: The heading â€Å"Executive Summary’ is standard and should remain unchanged on this page. An Executive Summary is the last item that an author prepares when writing a business report. It should contain NO MORE than three paragraphs, each with three or four sentences. The Executive Summary should never exceed one page. Paragraph One: Introduce the topic of the report. Paragraph Two: Discuss the main problem(s) that the report examines. Paragraph Three: Review, briefly, any conclusions or recommendations that the report offers. A reader should get a reasonable representation of the overall content from reading these three paragraphs. Table of Contents These page numbers are provided as samples. Use the real page numbers for your report. Put actual headings and subheadings as per your actual report. Introduction First Topic Heading Subheading 2 Second Topic Heading 3 Third Topic Heading 4 Recommendations Conclusion References 5 Appendices 6 Appendix One 7 Appendix Two 8 – Title Appendix Three – Title 9 Appendix Four – Title 10 The Table of Contents shows the reader where to find specific content areas. If you have prepared a strong outline prior to writing your report (highly recommended), the headings, subheadings and other information should be easily available and clearly organized. This example shows three headings and two subheadings for each, however this is Just for the purposes of this example. There is no set amount for these elements. Use as many of each as you feel are appropriate to construct a omelet report. Insert the accurate page number for each corresponding element. It is often best to construct this table of contents after all content is prepared and edited. This will allow for fewer revisions to the table of contents. The appendices show any data tables, charts, graphs, or visuals that you refer to within the body of the report. Such visual material should appear at the end in an appendix rather than taking up page space within the body of the report. A note about page numbers: The first page of the report is the page that follows this table of contents and should notation a few introductory paragraphs to the topic, followed by the first major topic heading. However, the first page NUMBER should appear on page two. It is standard to leave the page number out on page one. Introduction Marketing has been changed dramatically for last fifty years. Nowadays it consists of many different and complex tools for every particular type of business. With constant changes technological progress, in the way consumers communicate personally and professionally, marketing is a moving forward every day. Now, it happens online, offline and everywhere in-between. With the prevalence of social media, mobile internet connections and on-demand information, the 21st century presents a new challenges and opportunities for marketers. To understand these challenges and opportunities could be extremely important for success of marketing campaigns and, as result, for businesses in 21st century. Furthermore, modern marketers should understand how to solve particular challenges and how to use particular opportunities as effectively as possible. Challenges The marketing profession is going through a major transformation. Traditionally, marketing focuses on three key responsibilities: understanding the customer, how ND where to market and building the brand promise. These responsibilities are now transforming into new dimensions that require marketers to function and collaborate differently. We are talking about the new marketing imperatives of understanding the client as an individual, having a clear view of the client experience Journey or the systems of engagement and lastly, integrating the company’s culture and brand to be authentically one. With today’s Big Data, a marketer has the potential to transform his/her role and use the new insights to drive strategic decisions for growth and nominative advantage. Big Data-?the enormous volume, variety, veracity and velocity of data being produced-?holds tremendous potential for the marketing function. With the right marketing mix, marketing professionals can use Big Data to better understand individual customers, predict their behaviors, create tailored interactions and maximize the value of each interaction. Gone are the days where we Just talk about understanding markets. We have moved onto a smaller rabbit hole that promises much more. Marketers now need to understand each customer as an individual. Subheading Sample text Lore pipes dollar sit met, constructed advising elite. Vestibules magna Guam, actor at congou neck, Venetians a fells. UNC ornate, veldt AC tincture pollutant, sapiens veldt consequent null, id dismissing est. Eros et risks. Vamps consequent arc trustier risks ornate a frangible NIST consequent. Queues at trustier Eros. Duds sit met Eros seed UNC consequent mantis e vitae Guam. Annual facilities caulis torpor id plainer. In plenteous NIST quiz risks lifeline placemat. Name AC malamutes magna. Present trustier seem AC pipes subscript a ornate Guam ultraists. Suspensions at arc NIST. Ut veil dodo mass. Anne get pipes Eros, quiz plenteous unique. Team consequent valuate purrs, et posture urn lacing non. Prior torpor NIST, lacing a bacchius condiment, dictum e Mauritius. Morbid veldt pipes, lifeline subscript rhombus in, element get urn. Vamps seed felts et est. commode aliquot. Present quiz urn ante. In seed dud dodo, advising moll’s ague. In biennium nib UT pipes lacing UT lusts lacks valuate. Queues get meets unique. Mauritius commode mass e elite saddles UT clique’s Just vestibules. Passels simper pipes sit met dollar facilities a frangible tells tincture. Team at magna lore, UT rut elite. Suspensions siestas consequent Eros, et interned fells placemat UT. Anne UT lacks elects, vitae dictum lacks. Present AC NIST Adam, id vestibules lacks. Annual constructed, Leo neck imperiled plenteous, NIST risks Venetians null, quiz tempts meets dollar dismissing seem. Anne vitae clique’s torpor. Morbid seem dodo, solicitude seed portion at, lampooner sit met Adam. Plenteous turnips UNC, Verviers veil malamutes in, caulis in magna. (Argentina 2006) The major difference between a â€Å"business report† and an â€Å"essay’ is that a business port clearly divides its content into logically flowing topic areas, divided by headings and subheadings. These should ALWAYS correspond to a properly prepared outline – something that makes your task much easier. Use as many headings / subheadings as make sense for your report. There is no standard regarding the number of paragraphs or sentences per paragraph, although most paragraphs contain – at minimum – three sentences. Use as many or as few as make sense for what you have to say about your topic. Please note: A heading or subheading should NEVER appear in the last 15% (I. E. At the bottom) of any page. In such a case, leave white space and start the next section at the top of the next page. In-Text Citations: For all ideas, quotations or content, use standard PAP in-text citation format of the author’s name followed year of publication. (Argentina 2006) The reader should then be able to refer to your reference page to find where you sourced your specific material. Opportunities Wide range of marketing tools With today’s development of the Internet, new marketing tools appear every year or even every month. Improvement of old technologies is happening too. Because of that marketers can use a huge number of marketing tools now. Beginning from advertising in magazines and continue to the promotion in the Internet, social networks. Obviously, it gives new opportunities for businesses and for people around. Cheap marketing Vamps seed felts et est. commode aliquot. Present quiz urn ante. In seed dud dodo, advising moll’s ague. In biennium nib UT pipes lacing UT lusts lacks valuate. Queues get meets unique. Mauritius commode mass e elite saddles UT clique’s just vestibules. Passels simper pipes sit met dollar facilities a frangible tells tincture. Team at magna lore, UT rut elite. Suspensions siestas consequent Eros, t interned fells placemat UT. Anne UT lacks elects, vitae dictum lacks. Present AC NIST Adam, id vestibules lacks. Annual constructed, Leo neck imperiled plenteous, NIST risks Venetians null, quiz tempts meets dollar dismissing seem. Anne vitae clique’s torpor. Morbid seem dodo, solicitude seed portion at, lampooner sit met Adam. Plenteous turnips UNC, Verviers veil malamutes in, caulis in magna. Maximize each engagement Customers are individuals. To be a successful marketer, one needs to go beyond broad customer segmentation to determine individual preferences and anticipate individual behaviors. By understanding each customer as an individual, one can develop highly targeted promotions, determine the next best action for each individual and deliver a tailored experience-?one that improves outcomes and increases return on investment (ROI). Social media sentiments are crucial especially for business to consumer (BBC) enterprises. Collecting and analyzing the content from social media must be a top priority. The volume of social media content is staggering: Every minute, there are some 1. 7 million Faceable posts, a third of a million tweets, plus some 2. 8 million Youth views, according to Delano Digitalis 013 Social Media Trends. In the Philippines, social media is changing the way the Filipinos do things in general. Going by the numbers from Sociological, one of every three Filipinos is on Faceable. Big businesses are cashing in on it and there’s no sign that it’s going to slow down anytime soon. To make a point, in May 2013, ABS-CAB Integrated News and Current Affairs (INCA) tied up with IBM Philippines to utilize its deep big data analytics expertise and patented tools in analyzing public interactions on social media that helped made better sense of the social media activities in the recent mid-term elections. Faceable is Just one of the many channels that offer marketers routes into the psyche of a customer. As the number of customer channels increases, delivering a tailored experience across all channels is a must. Whether a customer engages-?in person, via telephone calls or comments via Twitter or on Youth, the need to anticipate what the customer wants and then make the most of each interaction is crucial. Improving marketing effectiveness An effective marketer seeks to sustain interest, generate qualified lead and goes on to convert an inquiry into a new sale-?while making the most of the marketing investment. In the past, many marketing campaigns fail to generate actual sales. The good news is, today’s advanced analytics has the potential to maximize the value of Big Data and transform key marketing functions. Employing big data analytics for behavior analysis, for example, enables marketers to explore a broader range of customer information than previously available, detect patterns in prior behavior and more accurately predict future behaviors. As a result, marketers can determine the next best action, better target promotions and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The valuable customer information that marketers collect can be used not only to improve marketing but also to enhance product development. By sharing emerging trends and real-time feedback gathered from social media and other sources, marketers can make a valuable contribution to successful product development. Moving from traditional marketing strategies to more data-driven approaches that employ advanced analytics, marketers can optimize their audience, channel, content and yield. They can better target high-value customers, determine the best channels for reaching those customers, tailor the messaging and ultimately liver better results. Big Data is more than a simple matter of size; it is an opportunity to find insights in new and emerging types of data and content, to make your business more agile, and to answer questions that were previously considered beyond your reach. Until now, there was no practical way to harvest this opportunity. To sum it up, it is about bringing science to the art of marketing and realizing that things can be done smarter. In Conclusion pipes, lifeline subscript rhombus in, element get urn. Vamps seed fells et est. commode aliquot. Present quiz urn ante. In seed dud dodo, advising moll’s ague. Plenteous turnips UNC, Verviers veil malamutes in, caulis in magna. Most business reports are written with the purpose of presenting findings and offering recommendations. When preparing the conclusion, you may wish to review the main points from the introduction (for example, re-stating whatever business problem you were examining) and suggesting what positive results might follow should your recommendations be followed. Argentina, P. A. , Foreman, J. (2006). The Power of Corporate Communication: Crafting the Voice and Image of Your Business. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Hover’s Online. (2007) Intel-company Capsule. Retrieved September 6, 2007 from www. Hoovers. Com/ Intel-corporation/–old_13787–/free-co-facets. XHTML. Porter, M. E. Kramer, M. R. (2002, December). The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. Harvard Business Review, 80(12), 56-68. Instructions – PAP Citation Style: The American Psychological Association (PAP) style is one of three standard formats used to cite works that have been used as research for reports and essays. ALL non- original ideas and content within a document MUST be cited or you may be legalizing – in other words, you may be presenting work that appears to be yours, but in fact is not. Your professor has the option to give a grade of zero for either the work, or the course, should a student be found popularizing. The best way to avoid this is to use PAP to cite EVERYTHING. Keep track of every article you read, every book, journal or website you use. Personal interviews with experts are great sources of information and must be cited in the text as well however do not need to be included in the reference page. PAP has the following attributes: Citations are formatted as hanging indents and appear alphabetically by author last name. Citations contain the following information (when available), IN THIS ORDER: 1 . Author last name followed by initials 2. Year of publication (in parentheses) 3. Title information 4. Publication information 5. Date retrieved or accessed (for online Journals and web sites) 6. Page range (for periodicals only) 7. URL (for online Journals and websites) The examples above offer three different types of citations for the reference page. There are dozens more that cover all possible situations. Examples can be found inline if you search for â€Å"PAP examples†, or you can refer to any reputable communications textbook for guidance. Appendix One – Title Chart Title List the source and the date here Put all visual materials into appendices that appear at the end of your report. Each page should contain only ONE visual. Change the title of the appendix here to reflect your work. MAKE SURE you properly label the data, and that you use an explanatory chart title. The source for the visual should always be listed, as well as a date. This is particularly important if you are using data that might be questioned or may be obsolete. Picture Title How to cite Documents, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Whos To Blame Essays - Philosophy, Science, Academia, Ethics

Who's To Blame Whos To Blame? Looking at the world today, we can see that there are many things that have changed throughout time. One of these things would be that people are living longer and healthier lives. On the other hand there are also people that are not living such heal y lives and for a reason that seems to be a mystery. No matter how much time or research scientists put into these issues they never seem to solve some of the great mysteries that plague humans today. Some of these issues would be cancer, AIDS, and he t disease. Some people think that these problems have just recently come up in society, when in reality these sicknesses have been around for many years. A major thing that has changed would be the life expectancy rate has risen within the last couple ecades so therefore people are dying from these types of diseases instead of from things like, ...violence or infectious disease... (Asimov 466), as they have in the past. These diseases are important now because people are dying from them and there s so much time, money, and effort being put into the research and possible cures. The problem is that there are so many diseases and scientists to go around and it still seems that we are moving too slowly for a possible cure or miracle drug for these lnesses. Asimov in his essay entitled Cholesterol speaks about how cholesterol is now a bigger threat to humans now more than ever before (466). At the time that this essay was written there was only one or two pills out that were aiding in the effectiveness f preventing death caused by heart disease. Asimov assures his readers that , There is hope, (467). The thing that has only recently been brought to the population is that, ... we are all susceptible to AIDS... (Gould 483). Stephen Gould goes on say: We didnt notice the spread at first. In a population of billions, we pay little attention when one increases t two, or eight to sixteen, but when one million becomes two million, we panic, even though the rate of doubling has not increased. (483) He realizes how humans think and how our society seems to deal with disease and other serious matters. We as a race seem to overlook things if they are not affecting us directly. He doesnt believe that we can fight nature. He says, Our species has t won its independence from nature, and we cannot do all that we can dream. Or at least we cannot do it at the rate required to avoid tragedy, for we are not unbounded from time (Gould 484). In this aspect he differs from Asimov because Gould believe that nature plays a larger role in determining the fate of humans. Asimov believes that people can help themselves more times than not. The Clan of One-breasted Women by Terry Tempest Williams has a totally different look at cancer. Her family was victim of the government and their bomb testing. She actually can track the cause of her families cancer to this harmful thing. Most statistics tell us breast cancer is genetic, hereditary, with rising percentages attached to fatty diets, childlessn s, or becoming pregnant after thirty (486). Her essay is much unlike the other two in that she doesnt look at the medical aspect to the illness, she is looking at a way to possibly be reimbursed for her losses. The only medical viewpoint that she ta s is to describe the horrific pain that her family encountered because of the deadly disease. In this essay she doesnt focus on the possible cures, but she does blame careless people for her suffering. All of these authors have different standpoints the issues of disease, illness, and dying, and who is at fault for it. When I read all of these various view points I understood all of them and could see where they were essentially coming from. I believe that all of these people have a valid fight or point of view. In a way I would say that in the larger picture all o these aspects are things to blame in the fight against any disease. In a way it is the fault

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Nuturing Charge Nurse Example

Nuturing Charge Nurse Example Nuturing Charge Nurse – Article Example RAPID CRITICAL APPRAISAL CHECKLISTS s From the study, it was found that the question of study was relevant since the question was of high quality regarding the clinician’s practices. Case control studies were also relevant to the study. It involved nurses who had already developed the outcome of interest. Data was then collected concerning the influential factors that led to the outcome. It was qualitative and quantitative test of nurturing charge nurse for future leadership roles. Cohort studies were included in this study and they involved 3 focus groups with experience in working in small hospitals with less than 300 beds. The focus group was similar in size habit with similar background and views. This was aimed at eliminating bias (Patricia A. Patrician, 2012).Randomized clinical trials were done for this study. Conventional content analysis described by Hseih and Shannon theories were used in analyzing the data. There was a clear systematic review of the clinical interve ntions studies since these involved randomly selected nurses. The study design was also appropriate for the research question. The study was having a high degree protection against bias. Moreover, the study addresses the key potential sources of bias. There was sufficient information with regard to qualitative evidence for the study. Most of the conclusion and discussion was drawn from the study. There was a particular standardized protocol use with the systematic review to identity.Evidence based clinical practices were available from the study. This was verified in terms of the roles of the nurses in the management process. ReferencesPatricia A. Patrician, D. O. (2012). Nurturing Charge Nurses for Future. THE JOUR N A L O F NUR S I N G A D M I N I S T R A T I O N , Volume 42, Number 10, pp 461-466.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

20 Growing Companies That Are Hiring NOW

20 Growing Companies That Are Hiring NOW Do you want to get in on the ground floor of a company that’s likely to leave its mark- whether on an industry or the entire world? Here are 20Â  fantastic companies that are poised to do just that- and, what luck, are hiring right now. 1. AccoladeAccolade is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by improving patient experiences and lowering costs through technology and engagement efforts. The more they grow, the more people they can help. So get in while they’re looking to expand!2. Phoenix EnergyIf you live in NYC or near enough to work there, try this company that provides New Yorkers with sustainable energy management solutions. Their aim is a sustainable energy future, so they’ve got nothing to do but grow. They want to reduce 10 million pounds of CO2 every month. If you’re passionate about sustainability and energy alternatives, look no further.3. OracleThis California based tech company offers comprehensive cloud services, applications, and syste ms.4. AmazonAmazon is a market beast- and only growing larger and more dominant. They’re based in Seattle, but because they’re always growing, they are always hiring.5. DiaCoAround 65% of women in the United States are above size 14. The two women who founded DiaCo thought this massive share of the market was being underserved and decided to do something about it. If you’re passionate about body positivity, self-acceptance, and style, this could be a gig for you.6. SynapseWork with clients all over the world on product development. Synapse has a hands-off management style and an environment that’s open and strives always for innovation.7. SensibillHelp Sensibill change the way people manage their finances by helping to improve mobile banking apps and other services. Every employee here is encouraged to engage not just with their own tasks, but with the larger vision and goals of this growing company.8. BizzaboHelp organizers world-wide to organize success ful events. This company has a very empowering leadership style and a super convivial work environment- and helps people around the globe make a bigger impact with their events.9. OfferUpThis company helps connect local buyers and sellers through a simple app, encouraging peer-to-peer commerce. And they have big plans for expansion.10. GallupConsult with leaders and decision-makers across a wide range of industries by helping them to understand the needs and thoughts of the world’s citizens- right from their office. They empower team members to be the best they can be, so that they can give the best information to their clients and positively impact millions of people around the world.11. NextivaThis company started in 2008 and has been steadily inclining since, all while preserving the start-up ambiance employees there love. They outfit businesses with cloud communications and other tools to help revolutionize business communications.12. Fetch RoboticsThe future is robotics. This company is building the future, one bolt at a time. Get in with this venture-backed Silicon Valley start-up and help revolutionize the way that work is done- all in a laid back, collaborative atmosphere.13. ZapposZappos has over 1,500 employees and is still growing! They aim simply to make online shopping more and more user-friendly. If you like shopping, this could be the gig for you.14. Knot StandardA custom clothing platform with six global showrooms and a web store, this is another company that’s maintaining its start-up mentality through its rapid growth. Employees are quite motivated and feel a part of successes and very much in the loop.15. Area 1 SecurityCyber attacks are a huge threat to business so companies that focus on cybersecurity are in prime position to grow- and rapidly. This one boasts a fast-paced culture and a trusting management style- and these jobs will never run out.16. Beauty CounterThis company is shaking up the beauty industry, and they call themselves a beauty movement. If you’re passionate about high-performing products and health, this could be the company for you.17. Sneak Attack MediaWork in digital promotions and creative services for music and lifestyle brands. This company started in an East Village basement and has grown- and their mission is to keep growing. It’s a pretty cool place to work as well, stocked with healthy snacks and chill music for an awesome vibe.18. LithiumThis company is changing the way customer service works, by creating social platforms to connect customers to each other in communities. Employees are enthusiastic and there’s lots of room to grow.19. Korn FerryThis company is a global advisory form, helping leaders and organizations to harness the full potential of their people. Based in Dallas, TX, they expanded rapidly and are continuing to grow.20. Summit Information ResourcesSummit has growth firmly in mind, for the company and for individual employees. The emphasis is on the team and professional development in general as they work to help businesses build relationships with their customers with quality network, hardware, and server equipment.These are great companies to work for. But in order to be hired, you need to make sure that your resume format is optimized and positions you in a way that gives you an advantage over the competition. Once you do that, you’ll be able to go in and knock their socks off!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

What is the Strategy of Annandale Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

What is the Strategy of Annandale - Assignment Example The reason that I arrived at the conclusion that Annandale Water Ltd is using an exclusivity strategy is because its products are not available for sales at supermarkets or convenient stores. The company has control of the distribution of the product which ensures the product is sold at the locations the firm desires. The business model the company utilizes is to sell its water products to exclusive location and to provide a full service to its customers. The company delivers the water to its major customers. The main markets of the company are weddings, two exclusive catering companies in London, direct sales from the bottling plant, direct sales to five exclusive hotels located in Edinburgh, and long-term contracts with Harrods and Fortnum and Mason in London. The company has a fleet of ten 40 ton articulated trucks; 15 smaller delivery vans, and 17 cars for the speedy and responsive deliveries. The transportation department has 15 full-time employees. The model the company used has lost value due to the fact that it has become extremely expensive to deliver the goods directly through its own trucking and vehicle fleet. The strength section of the SWOT mentioned a lot of the positive aspects of the business. The strength section failed to mention that the company has a superb executive management team. Companies with great leaders have a better chance to succeed than the firm that lacks human capital. The branding value of the product is its greatest strength. The company can capitalize on its brand by expanding the number of places that distributes the water products of the company. One of the main weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis is the transportation costs. Gasoline is one of the main cost drivers of transportation costs. An issue with gasoline prices is that they are very volatile.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Give a critical assessment of the realist critique of liberalism int Essay

Give a critical assessment of the realist critique of liberalism int the study of international Relations - Essay Example For instance, realism is international politics view that emphasize on its antagonistic and competitiveness (Whelan 2004, p.2). Liberalism, on the other hand, stresses on corporation between countries (Whelan 2004, p.2). Realists in most cases have in been seen criticizing the views held by liberalists with regard to international relations. This paper explores the realist critique of liberalism in the study of international relations Realism is arguable the most dominant international relation theory that has existed since the introduction of the discipline. The theory originated from the traditional thoughts held by scholars such as Hobbs, Machivialli and Thucydides. It is noted that the theory came in to being as a reaction against the interwar liberalists’ philosophy. In this regard, the realists have often used the events of the war to criticize the liberalists’ theory, which they argue, is a fallacy (Donnelly 2000, p.2). Realists strongly believe that the international system has no central authority to govern its affairs. In this regard, they believe that the international relation is at a state of anarchy where each state is struggling to wield power so as to satisfy its own interest. Realists maintain that international politics is all about the struggle for power, which enables every state, achieve its objectives (Whelan 2004, p.12). Realists believe that independent states are the main players in the international politics and that more attention is given to nations to powerful nations in the world with since they have a lot of influence as far as the international relations is concerned. Currently, this believe can be related to the U.S. as one of the most powerful nation in the world with a lot of influence in the international arena. Consequently, realists see other organizations such as non-governmental organizations, international institutions, multinational organizations, and citizens as having very little

Saturday, January 25, 2020

UK Interest Rates During the Financial Crash

UK Interest Rates During the Financial Crash Central banks always have responsibility to keep a stable economy which includes stable prices, low inflation rate and confidence in the local economy. The main tool used by central banks for these propose is monetary policy which will influence the interest rate, and the way of conduct it varies from country to country. This essay will look into the Bank of England and explain the transmission of monetary policy and how the policy affected by the credit crunch. The Bank of England gained its independent right to set up interest rate according to the target inflation rate since May 1997. The preferred target inflation rate in the United Kingdom is 2% and the Bank of England sets appropriate interest rate to ensure the real inflation rate is moving towards the target inflation rate in an acceptable time period. However, the fixed target inflation rate does not necessary mean a constant interest rate. An Overview of the change of interest rate in UK banks from 1973 to 2009, from which a fluctuate trend could be observed among the whole period and there was a sharply decrease from nearly 15% to 5% during 1989 to 1993 when the United Kingdom was experiencing an economy recession. After 1993, the interest rate was relatively stable until 2008. However, between 2008 and 2009 the interest rate deeply drops from 5.25% to 0.5% for the recent credit crunch. From the data from the Bank of Englands report, the interest rate decreased at a rate of 1% per month constantly from October 2008 to January 2009 after the Lehman Brothers bankrupt. It is well known that a low interest rate represents a loose monetary policy which is aim to increase the inflation rate and the economy. It may illustrate how the interest rate set by the Bank of England conduct the monetary policy. The official rate set by the Bank of England direct influence the market rates includes the repo rate, bond rate, inner bank borrowing rate and so on. Then the market rate sets the asset prices in the financial market which will in turn affects peoples expectations of the economy. Also, the official rates would give people the signal about how will the market moves. For instance, a decrease in official rate will shows a loose monetary policy to the public and people would expect a rise in the price level and then may increase their domestic consuming demand. In addition, the official rate change will affect the exchange rate directly for it alters the domestic investment rate.(Mishkin, 2006). At the second stage, the official rate indirectly affects the domestic demand and net external demand, which forms the total demand, via the market rates, asset prices, expectations and exchange rate. Then the total demand influences the domestic inflation rate. Finally, the domestic inflation and import prices decide the inflation. For example, as mentioned above, a decrease interest rate will increase the publics domestic demand and also would decrease the exchange rate against foreign currencies which may consequently increase the export demand for the goods will be cheaper for foreign consumers. As a result, the total demand will increase and may eventually raise the price level and lead to an increase in inflation rate. Timing effect is another factor that the Bank of England concerns for the monetary policy. That is to say, the effects of changing interest rate are not instantly but take time to fully function. Some channels may be more sensitive to the change while others may not. The Bank of England estimates that a monetary policy may takes up to 2 years to be fully influence the inflation rate. The past statistic data supports this view that the inflation rate was nearly 2.3% in 2007 and increased to 2.9% in March 2009 during which period a sharp decrease in interest rate could be observed. The reason for this sharp decline of interest rate from 2008 to 2009 is mainly accounts for the credit crunch recently. The credit crunch shows a strong shortage in capital supply and declining quality of borrowers financial health (Mizen, 2008). Also, the credit crunch gives very bad expectation to the public about the economy and the price of real estate was declining relatively. Consequently, investors are lack of motivation to invest for the low earnings due to the declining prices and a high risk for the credit crunch. On the other hand, for the householders may feel less wealth for the decreasing prices and lack of sense of the financial safety, they may reduce the consuming and prefer to deposit in the bank. Both phenomena are not preferable for a growing economy in that the Bank of England cut the rate sharply to increase the supply of capital and wish to encourage the amount of invest and consume to cease the recession. In fact, the GDP growth rate from 2008 to 2009 was only 0.7% and the growth rate from 2007 to 2008 was 3% (Fedec, 2009). The growth in the first quarter in 2009 was even worse, which was 4.1%, that may be the reason for the Bank of England cuts the rate to 0.5%, which was only one tenth compared to the same time last year. As the data shows the inflation rate rose in response to the loose monetary police, the GDP growth rate may not be very optimistic for the pessimistic among the public. References: Bank of England, 2008 â€Å"How Monetary Policy Works†, Bank of England, Bank of England, 2009 â€Å"Base Rate†, Bank of England, Bank of England, 2008 â€Å"Monetary Policy Framework†, Bank of England, Fedec A,2009, â€Å"No End Yet to British Resession†, TradingEconomics, Growth.aspx?Symbol=GBP Mizen P, 2008, â€Å"The Credit Crunch of 2007 2008: A Discussion of the Back ground, Market Reactions, and Policy Responses†, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 90(5). pp.531 67 Mishkin, F.S., Eakins, S.G. 2006, Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition, Pearson International Edition, pp. 219 244. RateInflation, â€Å"UK Historic Inflation Rate†, RateInflation rate/uk historical inflation rate.php?form=ukir Part B Securitization started from 1970s firstly in the US market and then also trivial in the Europe after the new rules was adopted. It is welcomed by most banks because it brings additional way for banks making profits and it is an off balance sheet activity. However, due to variety risks associated with securitization and the endless re securitization, it may lead to sever financial crises. In fact, this would be the main reason for the Northern Crisis and the recent credit crunch (Mizen, 2008). This essay will first introduce the process of securitization then explain the risks in the process with a special focus on mortgage backed securitization and discuss its effects in the credit crunch. The definition of securitization is quite straightforward: it is â€Å"the process of pooling and repackaging loans into securities that are then sold to investors† (Ergungor, 2003). There are many assets would be securitized such as: mortgages, home equity loans, manufactured housing loans, credit card receivables and so on. By securitization, banks are able to sell those illiquidity assets to different investors. Besides, banks would create derivates by pooling assets together. There are variety types of securitization depending on the backed asset or payment method. For instance, the most popular type of securitization is Mortgage Backed Securitization (MBS), and there are Asset Backed Securitization (ABS), and Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO). Basically, the progress of mortgage backed securitization creates a mortgage pool and the agency sells shares of the pool to different investors according to their preferences. Then the cash flows from the mortgage passed along to investors (Van, 1998). Agencies usually pooled together mortgage and divide those payments into several parts and develop different cash flows to create different type of securities which may have different maturity or yields, and sell them to investors with different risk attitude. The total sum of cash parts will be equal to the whole. The progress of securitization brings considerable benefits to banks. First of all, as banks are regulated to meet the minimal capital requirement which may reduce profits banks would earn. As a result banks may prefer to engage in securitization which is off balance sheet so that do not require banks to meet the capital requirement and gives a more attractive opportunity for banks earning. On the other side, investors prefer less risky and higher return which could be fulfilled by buying the debts through securitization. It is less risky for it is backed by mortgage and has a higher rate than deposit. Besides, as the Great Depression and bank fails not very long before, investors no longer consider deposit in the bank as a safe heaven (Ergungor, 2003). In this procedure, agencies do not really have cost except transaction costs which will be induced from investors. In addition, if another investor buys a share, he may also securitize it and sell it to others. In that way, one mortgage would be re securitized many times. Consequently, if one mortgage fails to repay, many securities may face the risk of default which to some extend enlarge the risk to the whole financial system. In contrast to default risk, agencies also face repayment risk in the process. To be more specific, for example, if the borrower expects the interest rate would fall then he may repay the debt early to refinance in a lower cost, meanwhile, agency are suppose to produce constant repayment periodically to investors who buy the MBS. As a result, the agency have to reinvest the amount of money repaid early by borrowers and which forces them engage in a reinvestment risk in case the interest rate may fall. Mizen(2008) points out that the credit crunch started from 2007 is very complicated for now there are many financial innovations giving ways to packaging and reselling assets. Then he argues that the main reason for these financial crises is mispricing risk of the products which are mortgage backed securities. Historical events show that the beginning of this credit crunch was a serial of mortgage defaults. Then these defaults bring downgraded subprime related mortgage products which then lead to countrywide mortgage bank losses in the U.S. However, this trend did not stop; it soon spread to European banks which have tight relationship to the U.S. financial markets. It is acknowledged that the Credit crunch of 2007 2008 develops after this the full scale (Mizen, 2008). The amount in billions of dollars of household credit market debt outstanding from 1950 to 2009. It could be seen that the trend of growing was much shaper after 2000 and peaked in 2009 when the approximately $11 trillion is mortgage debt (Bubbles, 2008). It is not hard to imagine that 1% of the total amount of mortgage debt was securitized and only 1% of the securitized debt was re securitized when some of them default, how great the amount of dollars would be involved in. That was what happened in the Credit Crunch, for a trivial subprime mortgage market, financial institutions are tied in a line and the re securitization strength this tie and increase the risk and the price of default. Once one default, the whole will suffer, the globalization also enlarges the scale that will suffer. References: Bubble H,2008, â€Å"A Decade of Slow Growth: Why the United States will Face a Decade of Economic Stagnation and Face a L Shaped Recession. 10 Charts and Pictures as to Why This will Occur.†, decade of slow growth why the united states will face a decade of economic stagnation and face a l shaped recession 10 charts and pictures as to why this will occur/ Ergungor E,2003, â€Å"Securitization†, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, August 15, 2008 Mizen P, 2008, â€Å"The Credit Crunch of 2007 2008: A Discussion of the Back ground, Market Reactions, and Policy Responses†, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 90(5). pp.531 67 Van H, James C (1998), Financial Market Rates and Flows, Chapter 13, PP 119. Prentice Hall

Friday, January 17, 2020

System Thinking and Action Research

System Theory and Action Research Susan M Ross Dr. Tyler Zerwekh September 15, 2012 Abstract Public health practices and policies are largely influenced by the population involved and seek to improve the overall health of the public. Achieving success in systems thinking requires making strategic decisions about what processes will best achieve the public health goals. Systems Theory Information Technology Systems Theory evaluates the relationship between information systems, and information technology, and people.Action Research is used in the field of public health to alleviate adverse conditions in communities by addressing the determinants of health, community-wide interventions, and health promotion. Examples of Action Research evaluate the computer usage and health information technology and health collaboration groups as well as promotion of information health management techniques. An emphasis on relationship is the heart of systems orientation.Systems thinking involving huma ns require an understanding of the nature of the system and its dynamics requires and an understanding of the people involved and the interaction with each other in the applicable network of the system. Action Research is a participatory, democratic process concerned with developing practical knowledge in the pursuit of worthwhile human purposes, theory and practice, in participation with others in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern to people, and more generally the flourishing of individual persons and communities. Reason & Bradbury, 2001). This paper will present a demonstration of a thorough analysis of a systems theory, action research, and an action research proposal to analyze the theory in relation to Caucasian socio-economic group. Systems Theory Fundamental systems-thinking perspectives and approaches that are shared across different fields are: (1) increased attention to how new knowledge is ained, managed, exchanged, interpreted, integrated, and disseminated; (2) emphasis on a network-centric approach that encourages relationship-building among and between individuals and organizations across traditional disciplines and fields in order to achieve relevant goals and objectives; (3) the development of models and projections, using a variety of analytic approaches in order to improve strategic decision making; and (4) systems organizing in order to foster improvements in organizational structures and functions (Leischow, et. al, 2008).Achieving success in systems thinking requires making strategic decisions about what processes will best achieve the public health goals for the designated population and how new discoveries can be disseminated effectively, and what structures and functions are needed to deliver the new knowledge. Effective knowledge flow results in better network performance, which allow for the achievement of systems-level change. Systems organizing have evolved from traditional management theory to a learn ing organizational theory, or an adaptive-systems perspective within other systems environments.Information Technology Systems Theory Information Systems (IS) theory is de? ned as concepts that speculate on social and technical relationships between Information Technology, Information Systems and social outcomes. Much IS theory originated in other disciplines and has been re? ned or applied to examine IT/IS issues. IS theory would also be classified as to include the technology acceptance model (TAM) and structuration theory and IT productivity models as applied to IS/IT phenomena (Chiasson, Davidson,2004) . Over the past years public health systems have evolved significantly.As personal computers became more powerful and operating systems became more usable with the advent of Microsoft Windows, Computer information systems were updated to make use of more modern features, capabilities and software. Public health agencies began to recognize that information technology was a legitima te target for investment to improve their ability to perform core public health functions. As agencies began to upgrade replace or create new systems that were more robust and specialized using modern database management systems and tools on more reliable platforms, and the Internet began to come into its own.The Center for Disease Control promoted its first System wide area communication and system integration projects through its Information Network for Public Health Officials (INPHO) initiative in 1993. (Artz, Salkowitz, 2007). Computer technology moved fairly quickly from the glass confines of the dedicated computer room to the general-purpose office. Over the past thirty years standards for technology have become an important fixture of organizational computing life.Enforcement of standards also varies greatly depending on the political support for Information Technology (IT). As applications became more network-aware and network dependent, the need to leverage network investme nts became critical. Public health agencies became more ambitions as technology became more enabling. Computer Information Technology has a lot to offer Public Health agencies: existing data sets may be consolidated and population-based, including experiences negotiating data sharing agreements and memoranda of understanding.With advancing technology national and international standards are being quickly developed to guide this functionality. (Artz, Salkowitz, 2007). Standards with compliance for patient information data sharing among different agencies, and back-up systems in the event of system failure and crisis are also among the concerns for globalizing Information Systems. Action Research Action research is a collaborative approach to research that provides people with the means to take systematic action in an effort to resolve specific problems.Action research focuses on methods and techniques of investigation that take into account the study population’s history, cult ure, interactive activities and emotional lives. Although action research makes use of many traditional data-gathering strategies, its orientation and purpose are slightly different. The basic action research procedural routine involves four stages; (1) identifying the research question (s), (2) gathering the information to answer the questions (s), (3) analyzing and interpreting the information and (4) sharing the results with the participants (Berg, 2004).Action Research is used in the field of public health to alleviate adverse conditions in communities by addressing the determinants of health, community-wide interventions, and health promotion. Indeed, action research is less a methodology and more a set of guidelines for the roles of the researcher and collaborators, interweaving theory and action and the function of the research knowledge.There are many subtle variations and iterations of action research, but a gross distinction could be made between action research that is co nducted by a researcher implementing an intervention at a community level for the dual purposes of change and knowledge outcomes versus community based participatory action research where those affected by the change and other important stakeholders participate in all stages of the research from design, implementation, and data gathering to analysis.Participatory action research approaches often have the additional goal of promoting critical consciousness where through cyclical stages of dialogue participants attain a greater understanding of their situation, which in turn may result in political or major social change (Mullett, Fletcher, 20). Critics of Participatory Action Research (PAR) have questioned whether the reality of participatory research is ideal for promoting a healthy community.The language of participation in health promotion research, and the inattention to gender, social and cultural (as in the use of universal terms like â€Å"the oppressed†) differences in participation in research processes do not always comport with the outcome values of PAR. Further, while participatory approaches can stimulate capacity building and community development, they can also bring unequal players to an uneven table to participate in difficult predetermined decision making (Minkler, 2000).Action research also called participatory research is an alternative philosophy of social research. Three particular attributes are often used to distinguish participatory research from conventional research: shared ownership of research projects, community-based analysis of social problems, and an orientation toward community action. Critical action research expresses a commitment to bring together broad social analysis—the self-reflective collective self-study of practice, the way in which language is used, organization and power in a local situation, and action to improve things.Critical action research is strongly represented in the literatures of educational action research, and there it emerges from dissatisfactions with classroom action research that typically does not take a broad view of the role of the relationship between education and social change. Critical action research has attempted to take account of disadvantage attributable to gender and ethnicity as well as to social class in its initial point of reference (Kimmis, McTaggart, 2007). Examples of Action Research Lau and Hayward (1997) used an action research approach in a study to explore the structure of Internet-based collaborative work groups.Over a two-year period, the researchers participated as facilitators in three action research cycles of problem-solving among approximately 15 instructors and project staff, and 25 health professionals from various regions striving to make a transition to a more community-based health program. The aim was to explore how Internet-based communications would influence their evolution into a virtual collaborative workgroup. The first phase was taken up with defining expectations, providing the technology and developing the customized workgroup system.The next phase saw the full deployment of the system, and the main lesson learned was that the steepness of the learning curve was severely underestimated, with frustrations only minimally satisfied by a great deal of technical support provided by telephone. The final cycle saw the stabilization of the system and the emergence of the virtual groups. The interpretations of the study suggest that role clarity, relationship building, information sharing, resource support, and experiential learning are important aspects in virtual group development.There was also a sense that more research was needed on how group support systems can help groups interact with their external environment, as well as on how to enhance the process of learning by group members. Comstock and Fox (1995) have written about their experiences in integrating computer conferencing into a learning co mmunity for mid-career working adults attending a Graduate Management Program at Antioch University in Seattle. Their findings relate to establishing boundaries to interaction, creating a caring community, and building collaborative learning.Students were expected to use the system for collaborative learning using three forms of conversation – dialogue, discussion and critical reflection. Dialogues were enjoined as a result of attempts to relate classroom lessons to personal situations at work, with a better understanding provided by multiple opinions. Discussions, distinguished by the goal of making a group decision or taking an action, required a fair degree of moderation, insofar as participants found it difficult to reach closure.The process of reflecting critically on ideas was also difficult – participants rarely took the time to analyze postings, preferring a more immediate, and more superficial, conversational style. The authors conclude with four recommendatio ns: 1) be clear about the purpose of the computer conference and expectations for use; 2) develop incentives for widespread and continuous participation; 3) pay attention to affects of the software on the way the system is used for learning; and 4) teach members of the community how to translate face-to-face collaborative processes to the on-line environment (Reason, & Bradbury, 2001).Action Research Proposal The Affordable Care Act calls for a greater reliance on the internet as a means of communicating health and coverage information, yet variations in the current usage of the internet by some populations have important implications for implementation. Based on the results of The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University Race and Recession  Survey(2011),  six in 10 adults overall say they have ever used the Internet to access health information, and access differs by race and  income.Forty-three percent of Hispanics report having ever used the Int ernet to access health information, while 56 percent of blacks and 65 percent of whites report doing so. The differences are even more striking among those with lower incomes. Just three in ten Hispanics with incomes under $40,000 say they have ever used the Internet to access health information, compared with 44 percent of blacks and half of whites with similar incomes. More than 70 000 websites disseminate health information; in excess of 50 million people seek health information online, with likely consequences for the health care system.The Internet offers widespread access to health information, and the advantages of interactivity, information tailoring and anonymity. However, access is inequitable and use is hindered further by navigational challenges due to numerous design features (e. g. disorganization, technical language and lack of permanence). Increasingly, critics question the quality of online health information; limited research indicates that much is inaccurate. Meag er information-evaluation skills add to consumers' vulnerability, and reinforce the need for quality standards and widespread criteria for evaluating health information (Kline, Haynes, 2001).An action research project evaluating the effects of the information technology theory on Caucasians over a period of time would be helpful in providing evidence based research for the Information Technology Systems Theory. The research project would review a group of Caucasian males and females in the same age range, the same level of computer skills and education. The focus of the research is to determine if the majority of access to healthcare was through the use of Information Technology would it create a healthier group then a group with minimal access to healthcare period.The group would be evaluated for a year. During the time frame the group would have an in-person visit with a doctor once every six months except for an emergency. The visit would include a complete physical and required wellness checks. Follow-up visits would be via Skye or video-conferencing. The group would be deemed physically and mentally fit excluding family history of health issues. The group would be given a pass to a fitness center for a year to maintain their health, and would have to maintain contact with a nutritionist and their physician via the computer e-mail o a regular basis.The group would also have access to the Internet anytime they want for the evaluation time. The rest of the environmental and social aspects would be determined by each participate of the research project, meaning that each participates could be local or global as long as there is consistent monitoring of the all of the participates. The evaluation would incorporate Action Research and Critical Action research as some instances would take into account the social economic status of the participants. Given that the largest percentage of whites used the computer and there is a large portion of people that lack acce ss to healthcare in all races.Minimizing variables, such as computer knowledge and education levels and providing all necessary tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Researchers would have options to focus the variable changes if there are any on the social economic condition of the individual participants. In conclusion Systems thinking involving humans require an understanding of the nature of the system and its dynamics requires and an understanding of the people involved and the interaction with each other in the applicable network of the system.Public health agencies began to recognize that information technology was a legitimate target for investment to improve their ability to perform core public health functions. Computer Information Technology has a lot to offer Public Health agencies: existing data sets may be consolidated and population-based, including experiences negotiating data sharing agreements and memoranda of understanding. Action research approaches can stimulat e capacity building and community development in designated social status groups if the focus is correctly designated. References Arzt, N. H. Salkowitz, S. M (2007), Evolution of public health information systems: Enterprise-wide approaches, p4-6, 11-13, 18-22. Berg, B. L. , (2004), Qualitative research methods for the social sciences, retrieved on August 23, 2012, from http://digilib. bc. edu/reserves/sc210/piat/sc21007. pdf Chaisson, M. W. , Davidson, E. , (2004), Pushing the contextual envelope: developing and diffusing IS theory for health information systems research, Elsevier Ltd. pg 157, retrieved on September 13, 2012, from http://www. butlercommonplace. org/thoughts/images/d/d0/Chiasson_et_al_2004__Info_and_Org. df Comstock, D. , ; Fox, S. , (1995),  Ã‚   Computer conferencing in a learning community: opportunities obstacles. †Ã‚  Ã‚   http://www. seattleantioch. edu/VirtualAntioch/DRAFT7HT. HTM (14/04/1998). Kemmis, S. , McTaggart, R, (2007), Participatory action r esearch, Communicative action and the public sphere, retrieved on September 13, 2012, from http://www. corwin. com/upm-data/21157_Chapter_10. pdf Cline, R. J. W. , & Haynes, K. M. , (2001) Consumer health information seeking on the Internet: the state of the art, Oxford Journals, Volume, 16, Issue 6, pp671-692, etrieved on September 13, 2012, from http://her. oxfordjournals. org/content/16/6/671. long Lau, F. , and Hayward, F. (1997). â€Å"Structuration of Internet-based collaborative work groups through action research. Retrieved on September 13, 2012 from   http://search. ahfmr. ab. ca/tech_eval/gss. htm (11/4/1998). Leischow, S. J (2008), Systems thinking to improve the public’s health, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, retrieved on September 9, 2012, from http://dccps. nci. nih. gov/brp/scienceteam/ajpm/SystemsThinkingImprovePublicsHealth. pdf. Mullett, J. Fletcher, S. , (2011), Action research in public health, Oxford Index, retrieved on September 13, 2012, fr om http://oxfordindex. oup. com/view/10. 1093/obo/9780199756797-0018 Minkler, M. , (2000) Using participatory action research to build healthy communities, Public health reports, Focus on healthy communities. Retrieved on September 13, 2012, from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1308710/pdf/pubhealthrep00022-0089. pdf Reason, P. , ; Bradbury, H. (2001). Handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice. London: SAGE. Retrieved on September 7, 2012

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Fbis Honors Internship Program - 1093 Words

While participating the FBI’s 2017 Honors Internship program I was assigned to the Counterterrorism Division at FBI Headquarters, in the Counterterrorism Internet Operations Section (CIOS). I worked primarily with three of the internal units of CIOS, the Computer Internet Operations Unit I (CIOU I), the Computer Internet Operations Unit II (CIOU II), and the Net Talon National Intuitive (NTNI). Both of the CIOU units primarily serve at the headquarters program managers for online based terrorist investigations, located both overseas and domestically. The units provided support for the online operations run under the NTNI in their assigned CONUS areas. NTNI trains and manages the Bureaus Online Covert Employees (OCE) under their directives†¦show more content†¦In order to further the Bureau’s and the Section’s mission, I assisted with and managed several projects over the course of the internship so far. I completed a large scale administrative project th at involved reorganizing and evaluating the NTNI/CIOU I/CIOU II program managed cases across multiple platforms based on the given parameters, as well as assessing their US threat nexus. OCE effectiveness given the circumstances of the case was also evaluated in action to the above stated parameters. I also provides additional administrative and program help when a need was identified across all three of the units I was working with. My primary project over the course of the Internship was a data collection, intake, and analysis project undertaken with the collaboration of multiple FBI units and other USIC partners. The project entailed taking a mass collection of data from a social networking application extremely popular with terrorist groups and terrorist inspired individuals. After the data was collected, it was sorted and recoded into a form that could then be imported into a program that allowed for analysis of the data. That data was then analyzed using multiple methods in or der to identify two main objectives: first to de-conflict any overly repetitive targeting or accidental blue on blue targeting, and second to identify potential high level targets as well as identify individuals that would make good targets for exploitation or intelligence. To this effect,