Monday, August 24, 2020

Higher education in the USA Essay Example for Free

Advanced education in the USA Essay Faktorami, opredelyayuschimi yavlyaetsya li uchrezhdenie odnim iz luchshih, ili odnim iz menee prestizhnyh, yavlyayutsya: kachestvo obucheniya fakultetov, kachestvo oborudovaniya dlya issledovanij, uroven finansirovaniya bibliotek, specialnyh programm, I t. d. , a takzhe kompetentnost I chislo pretendentov na priem, to est naskolko dannoe uchrezhdenie svobodno v vybore studentov. Vse 'eti faktory dopolnyayut medicate druga. Voobsche v Soedinennyh SHtatah priznano, chto est bolee I menee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya dlya obucheniya I polucheniya vysshego obrazovaniya. Bolee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya obychno, no ne vsegda, yavlyayutsya bolee dorogostoyaschimi, I okonchanie odnogo iz nih mozhet prinesti znachitelnye preimuschestva, poskolku kazhdyj chelovek ischet vozmozhnost zanyatosti I socialnuyu podvizhnost v predelah obschestva. Konkurs na postuplenie v takoj kolledzh pobuzhdaet milliony starsheklassnikov sdavat SAT kazhdyj god. No nedavno akcent na vstupitelnyh 'ekzamenah shiroko kritikovalsya v Soedinennyh SHtatah, potomu chto 'ekzameny pozvolyayut opredelit kompetentnost v matematike I anglijskom yazyke. V zaschituispolzovaniya  'ekzamenov kak kriteriev pri postuplenii, rukovoditeli mnogih universitetov govoryat, chto ispolzovanie SAT pozvolyaet spravedlivo reshit, kogo prinyat, kogda imeetsya 10 ili 12 pretendentov na odno mesto. Mogut li kolledzhi I universitety Ameriki osnovyvatsya na ih rezultatah? Priblizitelno 12 millionov studentov v nastoyaschee vremya poseschayut shkoly vysshego obrazovaniya v Amerike. Oni studenty v obschestve, kotoroe verit v svyaz mezhdu obrazovaniem I demokratiej. Odnako, mnozhestvo amerikancev ne udovletvoreny sostoyaniem vysshego obrazovaniya v ih strane. Vozmozhno, naibolee shiroko rasprostranennoe nedovolstvo vyzyvaet uchebnyj plan kolledzha v celom I shirokij diapazon dopolnitelnyh zanyatij v chastnosti. V seredine 80-yh godov proshlogo veka Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej (AAC) vypustila doklad, v kotorom prizyvala k prepodavaniyu bazovoj chasti obschih znanij vsem studentam kolledzha. Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya (NIE) vypustil podobnyj zhe doklad-Uchastie v obuchenii. V svoem doklade NIE zaklyuchil, chto uchebnyj plan kolledzha stal chrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskim I svyazannym s rabotoj. V nem takzhe preduprezhdaetsya, chto obrazovanie kolledzha bolshe ne mozhet razvivat v studentah razdelennye cennosti I znaniya, chto tradicionno svyazyvayut Amerikancev vmeste. Sereznoe obvinenie. Dejstvitelno li 'eto tak? V nekotoroj stepeni na dannyj second 'eto vozmozhno. Konechno, nekotorye studenty zakanchivayut svoe obuchenie bez kursa po Zapadnoj Civilizacii, ne upominaya drugie mirovye kultury. Drugie ostavlyayut kolledzh, ne izuchiv nauku ili pravitelstvo. V otvet, mnogie kolledzhi nachali peresmatrivat osnovnoj uchebnyj plan, s kotorym vse studenty dolzhny spravlyatsya. 'Eti problemy priznak togo, chto vysshee obrazovanie v Amerike menyaetsya, kak 'eto imelo mesto vsegda v self image istorii. I, kak v proshlom, 'eto izmenenie mozhet idti v neozhidannyh napravleniyah. Puritane osnovyvali kolledzhi, chtoby obuchat ministrov. No ih studenty proyavili sebya kak osnovopolozhniki pervoj v soil konstitucionnoj demokratii. Kolledzhi predostavleniya zemli byli osnovany, chtoby prepodavat selskoe hozyajstvo I proektirovanie stroitelyam Amerikanskogo Zapada. Segodnya, mnogie iz 'etih kolledzhej yavlyayutsya veduschimi shkolami v nauchno-issledovatelskom soil. Amerikancy vsegda delali stavku na sozdanie sistemnoj raboty. Oni imeyut osobo veskie prichiny dlya vypolneniya 'etogo v oblasti obrazovaniya. Lyudi v Soedinennyh SHtatah segodnya stalkivayutsya s vazhnymi voprosami: CHto yavlyaetsya nadlezhaschej rolyu Ameriki kak strany s samoj staroj v soil konstitucionnoj demokratiej; s samoj bolshoj 'ekonomikoj; yavlyayuschejsya pervoj yadernoj derzhavoj? Amerikancy uvazhayut svoe pravo vyrazit mnenie po vsem 'etim problemam. No lyudi Soedinennyh SHtatov takzhe gluboko osoznayut, chto takie problemy dolzhny rassmatrivatsya v komplekse. CHtoby prinimat uchastie v novyh voznikayuschih problemah, bolshinstvo amerikancev chuvstvuet, chto oni nuzhdayutsya vo vsej informacii, kotoruyu oni mogut poluchit. Kolledzhi I universitety naibolee vazhnye centry takogo izucheniya. I nezavisimo ot togo, chto mogut trebovatsya usovershenstvovaniya, ih buduschee polnostyu garantiruetsya amerikanskoj zhazhdoj progressa I horoshej informirovannosti. Fakticheski, sleduyuschej zadachej amerikanskogo obrazovaniya mozhet detail tendenciya dlya lyudej prodolzhit ih obrazovanie v kolledzhe dlya dalnejshej zhizni. Slovar. An Accept Prinimat Achieves Dostigat Accomplishment Vypolnenie Account Schet Adequate Adekvatnyj Admission Dopusk Admitted Dopuschennyj Advantage Preimuschestvo Agriculture Selskoe hozyajstvo. Sum Kolichestvo Applicant Pretendent Application Zayavlenie Association of American Colleges(AAC) Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej Available Dostupnyj Aware Znaya B Bachelors qualification Stepen Bakalavra Be either Byt takzhe Beyond Vne Bond Obyazatelstvo C Certainly Konechno Community Soobschestvo Competition Sorevnovanie Competence Kompetentnost Complete Polnyj Comprise Vklyuchit Condition Uslovie(sostoyanie) Contain Soderzhat Conversely Naoborot Costly Dorogostoyaschij Criticized Kritikuemyj Currently V nastoyaschee vremya Curriculum Uchebnyj plan D. Request Trebovanie Democracy Demokratiya Desirable ZHelatelnyj Determining Opredelenie Distinction Razlichie Duration Prodolzhitelnost E Elective Izbiratelnyj Emphasis Akcent Employment Zanyatost Equal esteem Ravnyj prestizh Excessively professional and business related CHrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskij I svyazannyj s rabotoj Exist Suschestvovat G Graduate Diplomirovannyj master Government Pravitelstvo H Higher instruction Vysshee obrazovanie I Impression Vpechatlenie Independent Nezavisimyj Interviews Intervyu Issued Vypuschennyj L Lead Liderstvo. Lion's share Bolshinstvo Masters qualification Stepen mastera Measure Mera Mention Upominanie Merely Prosto Might Mog by N National Institute of Education(NIE) Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya Nuclear force YAdernaya derzhava O Offer Predlozhenie Obtain Poluchit Opinions Mneniya Opportunities Vozmozhnosti Outstanding Vydayuschijsya P Painfully Gluboko Particular Specificheskij(osobennyj) Percent Procent Perhaps Vozmozhno Proper Nadlezhaschij Provide Obespechit Public Gosudarstvennyj(obschestvennyj) Puritans Puritane Private CHastnyj R Receive Poluchit. As of late Nedavno Recognized Priznannyj Recommendations Rekomendacii Regard Otnoshenie Reinforce Ukrepit Respect Uvazhenie S Satisfactory Udovletvoritelnyj Satisfied Udovletvorennyj Seek Iskat Similar Podobnyj Simply Prosto Scholars Uchenye Scientific research Nauchnoe issledovanie Social versatility Socialnaya mobilnost Success Uspeh T Traditional tie Tradicionno svyazyvayut The common qualities and information Razdelennye cennosti I znanie Q Quality of research offices Kachestvo sredstv obsluzhivaniya issledovaniya W Whether Li Widespread SHiroko rasprostranennyj.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wed Class Cases due Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marry Class Cases due - Assignment Example Indeed, I can say that the achievement of the entire task lies on the structure you created. As of now, there is some interruption with specialized sythesis of the undertaking and that is taking up everyone’s center. The subtleties in the specialized piece will improve the structure you think of, along these lines, as much as scarcely any remarks emerge as of now, you are a key individual in the accomplishment of this group. Hi Vander, this is a declaration of my enthusiasm for the up and coming position is high since I trust I have the stuff. I can bolster this since I have a science certificate, record of achievement for greatness, amazing representative record, and sufficient experience. I am astoundingly excited about consumer loyalty and focuses on creation of value. I demand for your help of my enthusiasm for this position since I trust you are centered around supporting the best ability for the position. On 3 April 2012, I took care of for my power tab through versatile cash details, yet things never worked out. I remained in haziness for a few hours before picking to purchase units through different methods following a few hours of attempting to arrive at client care futile. My telephone number is +4457898769 and I am mentioning for a discount since, about fourteen days after the fact, I have not gotten the tokens I had purchased. Dear Sir, following the data clients has been getting as of late with respect to guarantees; it implies that there is more data to the clients than our organization at any point anticipated. This is definitely not something beneficial for the notoriety of our organization, as the clients will before long gander at our organization as cheaters, particularly on the off chance that we don't convey the guarantee we make to them. It isn't fitting moving forward with the endeavors of preparing the business group if the organization needs to spare its notoriety from negative assessments of clients. Online networking has become an extraordinary route for administrators meeting with their customers. That is the thing that Opra Winfrey, Richard Branson and Donald Trump