Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Enterprise Rent A Car Sustaining Organizational Learning...

Somma Harris Corporate Culture and Organization Enterprise Rent-a-Car: Sustaining Organizational Learning and a Strong Culture Organizational learning helps companies to maintain adaptability and flexibility in the modern business world. A strong culture teaches employees values, views, purpose, belonging, and sense of identity, Enterprise Rent-a-Car strong culture has held the organization together and motivated their employees to do the right thing rather than what is easy. They believe that having a winning culture helps to execute organizational learning and strategy; therefore they take care of employees and customers first, with the expectation that profits will follow. Culture is necessary during the formation of any company. This is where the essential components of the organization’s culture are embedded in the structure and major processes of the organization. Enterprise Rent-A-Car made sure to do this from the beginning, when the company was just operating out of a garage. They developed a cultural compass that tackles business ethics, public affairs and philanthropy, workplace equality, diversity and inclusion, and operations. The cultural compass has helped them shape the best employees to operate the business. Enterprise Rent-a-Car believes that an inclusive workplace helps the company attract and retain the best talent in the market. Inclusion is about understanding and embracing differences in ways that drive innovation, connecting the company moreShow MoreRelatedResources Capabilities20336 Words   |  82 Pagesconsumer information, brand name, reputation, and corporate culture, are invaluable to the ï ¬ rm’s competitive power. In fact, these invisible assets are often the only real source of competitive edge that can be sustained over time. —HIROYUKI ITAMI, MOBILIZING INVISIBLE ASSETS You’ve gotta do what you do well. —LUCINO NOTO, FORMER VICE CHAIRMAN, EXXON MOBIL OUTLINE l Introduction and Objectives l The Role of Resources and l Organizational Capabilities Classifying Capabilities The ArchitectureRead MoreStrategic Management and Information Systems19841 Words   |  80 PagesChapter 3 Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Identify and describe important features of organizations that managers need to know about in order to build and use information systems successfully. 2. Evaluate the impact of information systems on organizations. 3. Demonstrate how Porter’s competitive forces model and the value chain model help businesses use information systems for competitive advantage. 4.Read MoreIsis Paper13397 Words   |  54 PagesOperational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved 0960-085X/99 $12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/ejis Information management in the global enterprise: an organising framework J Peppard Information Systems Research Centre, Cranï ¬ eld School of Management, Cranï ¬ eld, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK Much has been written over the last decade on managing global enterprises. While the predominant concern of this literature has been strategic in orientation, the management of information is a neglected area. 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Performance management eliminates the shortcomings of performance appraisal system to the some extent. Keywords: Human resource (HR), HR development, performance appraisal, performance management, performance evaluationRead MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pag esefficiencies by streamlining those processes, upgrading document technologies and finding better ways for people and their resources to work together. For example, our document assessments examine workflow and technology compatibility across your enterprise. Once our analysis is done, we offer a comprehensive range of document services and outsourcing to optimize your assets and improve business performance. 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Rather than building on a strong tradition of really useful relationships between the practical and academic spheres in accounting, I sense that the two worlds have less and less to do with one another. It is therefore ever more important to reflect on the contributions which MichaelRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Organizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:Read MoreYamaha Motorcycles Is Innovation the Main Driver for Sustaining Competitive Advantage?21109 Words   |  85 PagesYAMAHA  MOTORCYCLES  Ã‚ ­Ã‚  IS  INNOVATION  THE  MAIN  DRIVER   FOR  SUSTAINING  COMPETITIVE  ADVANTAGE?   TABLE  OF  CONTENTS   1.0 ABSTRACT 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1.0 STUDY CONTEXT AND PURPOSE 2.1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND PROCESS 3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1.0 THE ROLE OF INNOVATION WITHIN A CORPORATION 3.2.0 CREATING SUSTAINED COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 3.4.0 BUYER BEHAVIOUR 3.4.1 DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION WITHIN BUYER BEHAVIOUR 3.5.0 PROPOSITIONS 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1.0 METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH 4.1.1 QUALITATIVE VS. QUANTITATIVE

Monday, December 23, 2019

Peoples Temple Essay - 640 Words

Peoples Temple On November 18, 1978 more than nine hundred people died in one of the largest mass murder/suicides in history. The man that implemented and carried out that atrocity was James Warren Jones, otherwise known as Jim Jones, a self proclaimed Second Coming (God). His exposure to an intensely emotional Pentecostal church service influenced and shaped his future beliefs and actions. In 1960, despite his lack of theological training, Jim Jones became an ordained minister. He made racial equality one of goals. Jim Jones also used fear arousal to recruit his followers by Genocide and thermonuclear war. His ability to persuade was more successful with him becoming an ordained minister. He used his charisma to persuade†¦show more content†¦The people yielded to real or imagined social pressure. There were loyalty tests to prove their loyalty to Jim Jones. One of these tests was to do a practice suicide of drinking the Kool-Aid. They were told the drink was poisoned, but it rea lly wasnt. The people thought it was though and drank it anyways. Some of the people were just compliant. They yielded to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs had not changed. I believe these people to be the ones who ended up wanting to leave the cult. Some of these people were killed for trying to leave. There were still others who conformed to the social norms for fear of negative social consequences which they called catharsis. Their example of catharsis was, for example, if a teenager was accused of being rude to a senior citizen , the congregation would hear the evidence and vote on the teenagers innocence or guilt. The punishment could be a severe spanking administered by Jones. Adults who transgressed were punished by being placed in a ring and forced to box with bigger, stronger Temple members. Transgressions subject to catharsis ranged from selfishness, sexism, discourtesy to drug and alcohol abuse, and petty crimes for which members could be arrested and convicted by public authorities. So, as far as this relating to the chapter, it did in many ways. I have always wondered what the Jim Jones story was all about. I was six years oldShow MoreRelatedA Look At Jonestown And The Peoples Temple1857 Words   |  8 PagesA Look at Jonestown and the Peoples Temple Many people have heard the phrase â€Å"drinking the Kool-aid† but few actually know where the term comes from. The story of Jonestown and the Peoples Temple is a complex one with many different causes and can sometimes be a tough topic to learn about. Nonetheless, there is much to be learned from it, as it shows the dangers of putting too much blind loyalty into a person or cause. The story of Jonestown began in 1955 when a man named Jim Jones Started a ReligionRead MoreCults Of The People s Temple1476 Words   |  6 Pageshave done some rather unmoral things that lead the people to ask, Why did they do it? The People s Temple, Aum Shinrikyo, and Ku Klux Klan are extraordinary examples of wicked cults that begged the question Why? When people think of crazed cults The People s Temple quickly comes to mind because it truly fits the definition of a cult a small group of very devoted supporters or fans (Merriam-Webster). The members of The People s Temple worshipped Jim Jones their leader even though he wasRead MoreThe United States And The Vietnam War1153 Words   |  5 Pagesborders. The citizens were not ready for what the 1970’s was going to bring, socially, economically, and religiously. Jim Jones was going to bring peace and relief to these people in the most tragic way possible. With brain washing, manipulation, and isolation Jones convinced hundreds of people to commit suicide. The Peoples’ Temple religious movement was one of the many going on during the 1970’s. During the 1970’s America hit rock bottom. The U.S. had lost the Vietnam war, there was an oil crisisRead More The Jonestown Massacre: Jim Jones881 Words   |  4 PagesAfter getting word of people coming to investigate the society, Jones had committed a mass suicide by poisoning Kool-Aid and giving it to the people of Jonestown. A cult society is an organization that basically disguises itself as a religion. In a cult, they normally perform rituals. There are usually many people in these societies. In Jim Jones’s cult, there were at least one thousand people in this community. Jim Jones was the notorious cult leader of the Peoples Temple. Jones was born on MayRead MoreEssay on Jim Jones as a Prophet770 Words   |  4 PagesJim Jones as a Prophet November 18, 1978 it all ended. Jim Jones and his followers committed mass suicide in Guyana, South America. The history of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple is still studied a great deal today. Why did all those people follow Jones? Were they forced, were they brain washed, or was Jones just that charismatic. In this paper we will probe deep into Jonestown and answer some of these questions. We will be using Max Webbers article TheRead MoreEssay on Jonestown Massacre: Mass Murder Suicide in Guyana545 Words   |  3 PagesMassacre happened on November 18th 1978.More then 900 people were killed in the Massacre, 232 of which were children. The Massacre happened on a piece of land in Guyana that the People’s Temple, run by James Jones, had bought. The People’s Temple was a church run by James Jones who preached about diversity and racism. James was not a real preacher, all of his speeches were based on his opinions and theories of the world. He pretended to be a doctor. People would give him money and he would pretend to healRead MoreThe Jonestown Massacre: Suicide or Mass Murder?1756 Words   |  7 Pagesshock the world, and forever change the view of religion. Meant to be a paradise for the poor, the abused, the needy, and those wanting to change the world, Jonestown, founded by Jim Jones, leader of The Peoples Temple, was the location of a mass murder-suicide taking the lives of mor e than 900 people including countless children. â€Å"And, the way the children are, laying dead now, Id rather see them lay like that than to see them have to die like the Jews did, which was pitiful anyhow. And Id just likeRead MoreJim Jones And The Jonestown Massacre Essay1322 Words   |  6 Pagescomplaints about the community called Jonestown, which was largely inhabited by his former California constituents. After murdering a United States congressman Jones knew the end of his rule was near. He ordered his entire following, some 914 people, to commit what he called revolutionary suicide. This included more than 200 children. The rise Jones began his group in San Francisco and was once a respected community leader. He started programs to help the elderly and poor. His circle ofRead MoreCults1286 Words   |  6 PagesThere are somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout the United States, but only 75 to 100 are documented (Study Resources). The most commonly known cults are Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, and Charles Manson and the Family; these cults were able to drag people in and make them willing to do horrible things to themselves and others. In the early 20th century, Allistar Crowly, AKA â€Å"The Black Pope†, started modern Satanism (Satan Worship). It is said that AntonRead MoreThe Assassination Of Timothy Mcveigh1509 Words   |  7 Pagesorchestrated in 1995. But there is one event in particular that was even more heinous and stranger than any of those – the Jonestown Massacre. It was a mass suicide that occurred on November 18, 1978, in Guyana that took the lives of over 900 innocent people (The Stigmatized Deaths in Jonestown†¦ 42). And the man behind this inexcusable act was none other than cult mysterious leader Jim Jones. James Warren Jones was born on May 13, 1931 in Crete, Indiana to James Thurman Jones, a construction worker,

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Portfolio A Systematic Collection Education Essay Free Essays

string(169) " systematic observation the instructor observes the whole category hence allow him/her to go cognizant of the pupils needs whereby the instructor can be after suitably\." As instructors we interact, work and program activities for pupils. These activities are geared to develop their acquisition, hence be aftering for pupils progress instructors need to document the development of the kids betterments on a day-to-day footing. To make this a system that is easy to utilize and one that is flexible plenty to account all or most of the activities they participate in, therefore appraisal is an umportant portion of entering advancement. We will write a custom essay sample on Portfolio A Systematic Collection Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Appraisal is the procedure of happening out what kids can make, what they know and the things they are interested in. appraisal besides involves all methods through which instructors can derive an apprehension of kids ‘s development and acquisition. Assessment is of import because once information is gained, appropriate activities and experiences can be implemented for continued growing in all countries of development. Appraisal comes in many signifiers, and some work better than others. The National Association for the Education of Young Children ( NAEYC ) provides assessment guidelines in its publicationA Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children From Birth Through Age Eight. In this publication, NAEYC states that: â€Å" Developmental appraisal of kids ‘s advancement and accomplishments is used to accommodate course of study to fit the developmental demands of kids, to pass on with the kid ‘s household, and to measure the plan ‘s effectivity † ( Bredekamp, p. 13 ) . â€Å" Appraisal of single kids ‘s development and acquisition is indispensable for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate plans, but should be used with cautiousness to forestall favoritism against persons and to guarantee truth. Accurate testing can merely be achieved with dependable, valid instruments and such instruments developed for usage with immature kids are highly rare. In the absence of valid instruments, proving is non valuable. Therefore, appraisal of immature kids should trust to a great extent on the consequences of observations and descriptive informations † ( Bredekamp, pp. 12-13 ) . Portfolios Portfolio is a systematic aggregation or sample of kids work, with information associating to each kid ‘s developmental advancement which depicts the pupil activities, achievements, and accomplishments within the educational scene. As explained by Carol Gestwicki in Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Course of study and Development in Early Education, â€Å" Portfolios may incorporate aggregations of representative work of kids that illustrate their advancement and achievementsaˆÂ ¦ † and â€Å" Children are encouraged to add their ain choices of work that they feel show their advancement to the portfolios † ( Gestwicki, p. 304 ) . Portfolio promotes a positive, enthusiastic position is the statement in Janine Batzles ‘s book, A Portfolio Assessment and Evaluation: â€Å" A portfolio should be a jubilation of the kid ‘s alone abilities, accomplishments, and advancement, displayed through reliable samples † ( Batzle, p. 60 ) . There are two major types of portfolios which instructors can utilize which is procedure and merchandise portfolio. The procedure portfolio is used to document each phase of larning which provides a progressive record of pupil ‘s growing. The merchandise portfolio demonstrates command of a learning undertaking or a set of larning aims and contains merely the best work. Teachers use process portfolios to assist pupils place larning ends, papers advancement over clip, and show acquisition command†¦ In general, instructors prefer to utilize procedure portfolios because they are ideal for documenting the phases that pupils go through as they learn and advancement ( Venn, 2000, p. 533 ) . Student ‘s portfolios can take assorted physical signifiers, depending on which 1 is comfy for the instructor and the type of kid attention plan offered. They can be boxes, squeeze box files, booklets, three-ring binders, exposure albums, and or combinations and similar points can be used as receptacles for cogent evidence of advancement. Teachers can hold two containers: one for 3-dimensional samples of the kid ‘s attempts and another for signifiers and planar beginnings of information. Portfolios are an individualised manner in measuring pupils hence each kid should hold their ain portfolio. Portfolios can include many points of each kid ‘s alone involvements, besides pupils demands can be addressed harmonizing to what is included in their portfolio. Teachers can utilize exposures, drawings, colloquial notes, sound and picture recordings and observations. Photographs are taken of kids when they work on undertakings that can non be saved for future mention, like edifice blocks, modeling clay, bead threading where at times they threading harmonizing to pictured forms, and when they build mystifiers without aid. Samples of the kids ‘s work is saved in their portfolios as they are placed each kid advancement, helps the instructor and parents to derive a better apprehension of the pupil strengths and failing depending on the age and development degree of each kid. With this information from the portfolios, instructors are able to be after for future course of study. Some advantages of portfolio appraisal is where instructors can mensurate public presentation based on echt samples of the kids ‘s work, it enables instructors and pupils to portion in the duty for puting learning ends and for measuring their advancement toward run intoing those ends and portfolios can supply a procedure for structuring acquisition in phases. The disadvantages of portfolio appraisal could be hard in garnering all the necessary informations and work samples which therefore makes portfolios bulky and hard to pull off, and besides to develop a systematic and calculated direction system tends to be hard, but this measure is necessary in order to do them a random aggregation of pupils work. Systematic Observation Systematic observations are observations where instructors become really familiar with the involvements, demands, and strengths of all of the kids in their schoolrooms. With this type of observation instructors become cognizant when kids exhibit discernible forms of behavior that indicate they are fighting with larning prior to formal procedure of acquisition, every bit immature as age three ( Lowenthal, 1998 ; Steele, 2004 ) . With a tool to aim their observations, instructors can utilize systematic observation as a speedy and cost-efficient manner to find which kids might be fighting with acquisition and benefit from extra support ( Satz A ; Fletcher, 1988 ) .A With the usage of systematic observation the instructor observes the whole category hence allow him/her to go cognizant of the pupils needs whereby the instructor can be after suitably. You read "Portfolio A Systematic Collection Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" This type of observation agencies that decisions or readings are based on observations of the kid over clip instead than a erstwhile appraisal of a kid ‘s accomplishments and abilities.A Systematic observation is to be done when kids, are playing entirely, in little groups, in big groups, at assorted times of twenty-four hours and in assorted fortunes. Systematic observation must be nonsubjective, selective, unnoticeable, and carefully recorded ( Bertrand and Cebula, 1980 ) . Teachers are to detect the kids interacting with their environment and with others and document what they see. Some instructors use checklists, stock list, evaluation graduated table, anecdotal notes, recordings or other signifiers to enter their observations. This procedure seems to be natural and appropriate for preschool instructors because â€Å" Preschool kids demonstrate growing and larning through activity ( Worthham, 1994, p. 213 ) . The checklist or stock list is entering tools which are used for entering pupil ‘s advancement and this procedure is easier for instructors to work with. Checklist or stock list are to be based on instructional aims and the development associated with the acquisition of the accomplishments being monitored, thereby these observations should be based on regular activities, non on specially designed or contrived activities. These tools can besides include infinites for brief remarks, which provide extra information non captured in the checklist. Rating Scale is used to assist instructors and parents gather and portion information about immature kids with specific attending to features that might be early marks of larning disablements. The evaluation graduated table besides allows instructors and parents to reflect consistently on their concerns and helps them acknowledge if the kid would profit from extra support. The information gathered about the pupils across developmental spheres, which are the Perceptual and Motor, Self-Management, Social and Emotional, Early Math, Early Literacy, Receptive Language, and the Expressive Language sphere. The consequences will inform communicating and planning among parents, school forces, and others. Anecdotal notes are used to enter specific observations of single pupil behaviors, accomplishments and attitudes, these notes provide cumulative information on pupil acquisition, uncovering penetrations about the kid ‘s advancement when they are reviewed consecutive and provides way for farther direction. Anecdotal records are besides factual, nonjudgmental notes of kids ‘s activity ( Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 1991 ) . They are most utile for entering self-generated events. The advantages are that the perceiver does non necessitate particular preparation, and the observation can be used to concentrate specifically on the behavior of involvement. The disadvantages of this type of appraisal are that the consequences depend upon the memory of the single perceiver, and the perceiver may overlook much important behavior to concentrate on a specific behavior. Systematic observation strengths are that it is used in the natural scene of the kid ‘s schoolroom environment, the instructor can detect what causes the pupil specific behavior and topographic points minimum restraints on kids ‘s behavior and activities, leting them to act of course and exhibit their full scope of accomplishments and abilities while prosecuting in activities that hold intending for them, such as dramatic drama activities or block building ( Hills, 1993 ; Schweinhart, 1993 ) . Systematic observation besides has its weak countries where the teacher/observer may falsify information which can do them invalid, some pupils do non work efficaciously when they are being watched and they may execute otherwise. Traditional Trial Traditional appraisal ( TA ) refers to standardise proving that uses inquiries with a limited figure of reply picks. They can be multiple-choice trials, fill-in-the-blanks, true-false, duplicate, essays and some short reply responses. Students typically select an reply or remember information to finish the appraisal. These trials may be standardized or teacher-created, and may be administered locally, province broad, or internationally. Other proving methods, sometimes known as performance-based appraisal, alternate appraisal or reliable appraisal, focal point on the procedure by which a pupil arrives at an reply in add-on to the concluding response. Most standardised trials are non designed to measure the individualised growing and development taking topographic point in your schoolroom. But there are other assessment tools that do! Early on childhood pedagogues are uncomfortable with the thought of proving the immature kids they work with. This is because the traditional appraisal tools were designed chiefly for older elementary-school pupils. Children taking these trials are assessed on stray accomplishments in ways that are unfamiliar to them, and the trial consequences frequently do non reflect kids ‘s personal experiences or cognition. One of the primary benefits of traditional appraisal is the easiness in which decision makers and admittances professionals can analyse and compare pupil tonss. Standardized proving that relies wholly on quantifiable responses produces an appraisal that is easy to hit. Test shapers can categorise inquiries to find which countries pupils excel in and which they have trouble with. Students ‘ consequences are comparable over clip and across a big, diverse group of pupils. Recently nevertheless, new attacks to appraisal has been deriving credence among early childhood and primary class instructors. These are known as â€Å" public presentation † or â€Å" reliable † appraisal ; these new tools have many benefits that standardized trials do non, which are, that they consistently document what kids know and can make based on activities they engage in on a day-to-day footing in their schoolrooms. They are flexible plenty to let instructors to measure each kid ‘s advancement utilizing information obtained from ongoing schoolroom interactions with stuffs and equals. They are a agencies for bettering direction, leting instructors to be after a comprehensive, developmentally oriented course of study based on their cognition of each kid. Traditional appraisal methods have the disadvantage of missing real-world context. Students answer inquiries one by one without the demand to use long-run critical logical thinking accomplishments. They besides lack opportunities to show their logical thinking accomplishments despite a deficiency of cognition about a inquiry ‘s specific capable affair. Alternate assessment methods allow pupils to use their accomplishments and cognition within a context that more closely resembles job work outing and knowledge application in most occupations or day-to-day undertakings. Traditional appraisal besides has both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the manner pedagogues teach. Traditional appraisal forces pedagogues to pass clip learning pupils how to pull off trials, including schemes for choosing right replies from a listed group. Alternative appraisal allows pedagogues to concentrate on critical logical thinking accomplishments, which pupils will be able to use of course to long-form trial inquiries. However, in state of affairss where alternate appraisal replaces traditional appraisal, this means instructors need to larn new methods of trial readying and schools need to develop alternate signifiers of public presentation appraisal for their pupils and instructors. Decision Appraisals are utile, effectual tools to help early childhood professionals in admiting and documenting each kid ‘s advancement. Appraisals can be alone to each kid and the contents can concentrate on each kid ‘s specific interactions with his or her environment, stuffs, equals, and instructors. Both parents and kids can work together positively. This tripartite conferencing and planning method, affecting instructors, parents, and kids, is a major end of reliable appraisal today ( Ryan, p. 2 ) . Appraisals are practical and utile for both coverage and planning. The signifier and format are adaptable to each educational plan of immature kids. How to cite Portfolio A Systematic Collection Education Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Keeping Fit free essay sample

Thankseeping fir to the rapid development of economy in the past decades, there is a remarkable improvement of people’s living standard. It is undeniable that people can afford more meats and flesh with doing lesser physical works compared to the past. Many people, however, want to eat a balanced diet without many meats and do more exercise instead in order to keep fit. Keeping fit has become a trend nowadays, and that poses both positive and negative effects. There is no doubt that keeping fit can exercise your body. By doing so, you can stay more healthy with the enhancement of cardiorespiratory endurance which prevent you from some cardiovascular illnesses as well as speeding up the body’s metabolism. It is easily conceived that exercising can help you to maintain a strong body and look more energetic by strengthening your bones and muscles. Doing physical exercise can also help to defeat diseases too by improving your immune system. We will write a custom essay sample on Keeping Fit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In terms of health, keeping fit can help people to build up an energizing body. With respect to different surveys and investigations, keeping fit can develop better ability to cope with stress as well. Having exercise can benefit you from relieving your feelings of depression and anxiety. That is the reason why many people prefer going gyms and exercise when they feel downhearted. Going to exercise is definitely a good way to relieve stress and sadness. In spite of this, some people may also concern about the negative effects of keeping fit. Slimness is believed to be the representation of beauty today. Many people want to lose weight so as to improve their physical appearance by keeping fit. As a result, the problem of over exercising occurred. People want to look nicer and slimmer and so they do too much exercise which put a strain on their body and their organs may be harmed. They may always feel exhausted as the result of over exercising too. Health problems may be led instead if you do excessive amount of exercise. To make matter worse, keeping fit in a wrong way may also cause mental illnesses apart from physical diseases, for example anorexia. People with this kind of illness may have abnormal fear of being fat, causing them to stop eating and keep on exercising. Doing this may pose a danger and burden to their body. The illness may be ended up with patients’ death in some extreme cases. Therefore, emotional disorders may be caused if people have wrong concept of keeping fit. Everything should be done in an appropriate way, including keeping fit. People should have correct ideas on how to keep fit and do exercise in a proper amount so as to build up a strong body as well as relieving their stress Otherwise, physical and mental illnesses may be caused in return.

Friday, November 29, 2019

NIVEA and its marketing strategy

Consumer driven marketing strategy focuses on the needs of the customers. It can be advantageous to businesses by offering an edge over competition (Anderson, et al., 2004). As such, companies utilizing this strategy may focus their marketing efforts only on consumers who directly benefit from the product. Beiersdorf, the company that manufactures and sells NIVEA, utilized this strategy of marketing. Several elements of consumer driven marketing can be identified from the NIVEA case.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on NIVEA and its marketing strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Targeting a specific segment of the market is the first element. After conducting a market research, the company realized a gap in the market. Young girls between the age of 13 and 19 were in need of beauty products which would maintain their normal skin. They were not interested in using medicated products. In order to meet this need th e company came up the NIVEA VISAGE. This product line is only aimed at young women between the age of 13 and 19. Another element of consumer driven marketing evident in the NIVEA case is the focus on meeting the needs of customers (Clow Baack, 2007). As such, the company responded to the market gap by launching a range of products which target to satisfy the needs customers. With the launch of NIVEA VISAGE young, the company not only optimized its position in the market, but also created a solution to the skin problems experienced by young girls. The company got the right balance of market mix elements. It defined a gap within the market and came up with a product that fills it. Using an effective balance of place, promotion, price, and product, NIVEA VISAGE young made successful launch into the market. Marketing management orientation focuses on the techniques of developing, producing, and marketing goods to consumers (Hooley, et al., 2008). The orientations are used to support ca mpaigns for marketing. NIVEA assumed a marketing orientation that focuses on the production and marketing of the new product. With regards to market orientation, the company created a gap in the market and created a product that would fill this gap more efficiently than what its rivals offered. Another approach that the company could have used is the product oriented approach where the company could have first created a product that is perceived to be good and introduce it to the market without first developing a need within the market (Hooley, et al., 2008). The main difference between the two approaches lies on market research. Product orientation uses innovation in the production of a good and service. It is efficient for industries that rely on high product features to satisfy consumer demand. A market mix involves the four ‘p’, product, price, place, and promotion. With regards to product, the first step for an effective mix is to develop an understanding of the ma rket. The company relies on information from comprehensive market research to develop a product that specifically targets a segment of the market.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The information retrieved from the market research study is used to develop a product that suits the needs of consumers. The company conducts market research with direct involvement of consumers. For instance, it can use a focus group to engage with consumers, listen to them, gather data, and conduct testing for products before launching the products into the market. From the market research, the company was able to establish that young female consumers needed a beauty product that maintains their normal skin and not a medicated product. From this information, the company developed the NIVEA VISAGE young to meet their needs. Product offered by rival companies were also medicated and aimed at solving the teenage skin problem. This information gave the company an advantage over its rivals in the development of NIVEA VISAGE young. With regards to pricing, the company used a strategy that offered consumers a value for their money (Clow Baack, 2007). It realized that the product could only be bought by teenage girls or by mothers buying for their teenage daughters. The pricing was made to reflect product range, packaging, and formulation. Place may refer to the point of sale (Clow Baack, 2007). The concern is the distribution strategy that will ensure the product reaches the point of sale at the right time. The company has used a wide range of distribution channels to ensure that NIVEA VISAGE reaches all the places where it is supposed to be sold. This includes the use of major retail outlets and high street shops. The company knows, that the teenagers love to shopping in malls and high street shops. As a result, NIVEA VISAGE is shelved in all crowd pulling shopping malls and hig h street shops. Promotion entails the communication aspect of the product (Clow Baack, 2007). Customers need to be aware of the availability of the product in addition to being persuaded to buy the product. There is a wide range strategies used to promote a product. This includes the use of events such as product launch, direct mails, public relation, branding, and sales promotion. During the product launch, the company invited celebrity artistes with a huge teenage following. Associating the product with celebrity artiste is strategic in luring teenagers to buy the product.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on NIVEA and its marketing strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The NIVEA brand has a wide range of products that target various demographics of the market. For men, the product has a wide range of products to meet number of consumer needs for both boys and men. They include hand and body lotion, roll-on de odorant, spray deodorant, shaving foam, and lip care product. These are the NIVEA product that I have used as a man. I have personally experienced benefits from use of these products. The value compares the cost of purchase. The deodorants for instance have had a lot of benefits to me. In addition to the obvious benefit of hygiene, the products help to keep someone fresh for a prolonged period of time. This is beneficial because it reduces the need to constantly spray oneself after a few hours. At the same time, the sprays can last for a pretty long time and thus helping to save money. It is important for consumers to get a value for their money when they purchase any particular product or service. If purchase of a particular product helps to save money that could have been spent elsewhere, the product gives consumers a value for their money. For instance, if a lady was to spent money on several medicated products to address skin problems and she buys a single NIVEA skin product tha t solves this problem, the NIVEA product gives her a value for her money. A customer need is a basic requirement. Companies making products that fall under customer need do not have to push to sell the products (Anderson, et al., 2004). The only need for pushing may be resulting from the competitive nature of the market environment. Customer wants are drawn from customer needs. For instance, if students need to wear shoes, the shoes may require polishing. The polishing aspect is the want, and it is generated from the need to wear shoes. Customer demands are the things he or she desires. For instance, the need to live a luxurious life may be classified as a demand (Hooley, et al., 2008). References Anderson, E, Fornell, C Mazvancheryl, S 2004, ‘Customer Satisfaction and shareholder value’, Journal of Marketing, vol 2 no 1, pp. 172-185. Clow, K Baack, D 2007, Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, Pearson Education, Boston.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hooley, G, Peircy, N Nikolaud, B 2008, Marketing strategy and competitive positioning, Pearson Prentice Hall, United Kingdom. This essay on NIVEA and its marketing strategy was written and submitted by user Gibson A. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Canadian Interest Groups essays

Canadian Interest Groups essays Interest group representation in Canada identifies society's influence on the governing body and the policies decided upon in the legislative setting. The composition of interest groups has evolved over time and has lead to study of three distinct approaches to the power the representational groups have. The growth and change of interests in the Canadian state are dependent upon the structure between societal and government values. An interest group refers to "a group of individuals bound together to excerpt pressure upon the government to achieve a common goal and acquire a common benefit." The Canadian government can not deal with the immense responsibility, which is delegated to it without interacting with every "major sector of national institutional structure." The interaction gives interest groups a great deal of power because they provide the organization and the knowledge required by the government to oversee the numerous demands and then present the issues back to the government in an easily understandable process. Single issues or individual influence groups are the basic building blocks of modern pressure groups. Every interest is "seen as expressing a combined purpose" of individuals that have come together to achieve certain objectives. These groups have limited organizational skills and lack the knowledge of government to succeed in the few specific issues on their objective. Single issues interest groups usually have a fluid membership base, which use the media and extreme action to obtain their goals. The groups usually are fighting for a change in private or public policy they find unfair of unjust. These groups tend to disband when they reach their goals (or concede defeat). Although single interests groups are not completely ineffective, their "tendency towards fanaticism" makes them not well liked in the beacratic community and in turn do not stay around for to long. The main key to success for these g...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Advantages Of The Atomic Bomb History Essay

Advantages Of The Atomic Bomb History Essay First, the war was brought to a quick end by using the atomic bomb on Japan. â€Å"A feeling of vindication and a desire to end the war strengthened the resolve of the United States to quickly and decisively conclude it.† (Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945) The bombing of Pearl Harbor was still fresh in many American minds. Many Americans wanted to end the war. The Japanese resolve to fight was not very high during these following months. Their losses at Iwo Jima and Okinawa were extraordinary. Their navy and air force had been destroyed by America’s B-29s. This was part of the America’s air campaign to make bombing runs on military targets in Japan. Therefore, United States Pacific theater military leaders authorized the bombing of major cities. Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Kobe were all bombed. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died from these air strikes. The Japanese did keep their resolve even though many innocent people were dying. â€Å"Yet, Japanese resolve stayed strong and the idea of a bloody â€Å"house to house† invasion of the Japanese mainland would produce thousands more American and Allied casualties.† (Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945) They thought their casualties would be much less than Americas and the ally’s casualties if they were to invade. Japan was relying more on numbers than the actual battle performance of a regular soldier. Japan believed they can use large amounts of civilians against well trained American and allied soldiers. In Potsdam of July 1945, the allies declared that Japanese must unconditionally surrender. Japan leaders rejected the declaration because they did not want to surrender by these terms. The President authorized the use of the atomic bomb after August 3, 1945. The President Truman rather have a country shell shock than have it being defiant. He wanted to end the war by destroying Japan’s cities and causing fear. Normal bombs canâ€⠄¢t achieve a quicker victory than atomic bombs because atomic bombs have a wider blast radius and power. He considered the atomic bomb as a weapon and he had no doubts that it should be used. Therefore, Hiroshima was bombed because it was the headquarters of the Fifth Division and the 2nd General Army. Hiroshima was a communication center, an assembly area for troops, a storage point, and had several military factories. 90 percent of the city’s buildings were damaged by the atomic bomb. Later, Nagasaki was bombed because the city was known to produce ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war material. A faction called, â€Å"one condition† was lead by Togo who seized the bombing as a justification to surrender. Hisatsune Sakomizo, the chief cabinet secretary in 1945, called the bombing â€Å"a golden opportunity given by heaven to end the war.† (Debate: Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki) No amount of courage, skill, and fearless combat could help Japan ov erpower the atomic bomb. The emperor was looking for peace and need a good reason do so because some of his generals wanted to continue this war. The threat of the Soviet Union joining the war was not enough to convince the generals, but the atomic bomb was. On August 14, the Japanese government accepted the American terms for surrender. The atomic bombs quickly persuaded Japan to surrender because of the overwhelming power and fear.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tort Reform in the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tort Reform in the United States - Research Paper Example Generally, the purpose of the tort system is to provide compensation for those individuals who have been harmed (Champan, 2010). The harm, in this case, ought to be a proven one so that full compensation can be made available. This paper, therefore, seeks to provide information on the tort system in the United States of America and how it works. The paper will provide information on how this system is used in the U.S when and how they are performed and how it affects the individuals in general. There are various issues which are identified as those that makeup debates on the tort reform. These aspects include: Economic effects Fairness in treatment Restrictions on damages that are noneconomic Reduction in the decree of limits of action Punitive injuries and awards Awards for suffering Class action proceedings in the United States Claimed inadequacy of the authorized system. In the United States of America, tort reform activists argue that many lawsuits are frivolous. These advocates claim that the tort reforms of the present time are too expensive. Advocates, in this case, tend to prove that they are not comfortable with tort cases as far as the cases are concerned. This is major because they tend to suffer more than those who are involved in the cases. These advocates claim that they are the ones who face adverse effects for fighting the wrong in the society. To them, they feel that it is not fair because when fighting for the right, they end up facing exactly the opposite. Tort law generally defines what makes up an authorized injury and establishes the charge. It is simply an answer from the civil court to criminal law. This reform, therefore, is the political expression for the divisive matter of reducing tort proceedings, rewards, damages, and reimbursement. The aspect that majorly contributes to this reform being controversial is that its promoters aim at placing limits on the quantity  monetary damages that may be awarded in medical malpractice or indi vidual injury lawsuits (Bornstein, 2007). This makes it controversial because advocates are meant to be of help to those who are affected but at some point, they are found to be having limits. In this case, it is quite clear that not every individual will have their advocates fight for them. There are cases where advocates choose not to get involved because of the rules and regulations that have been set. At this point, the advocates are trying to avoid instances where they get to suffer more (Lunney & Oliphant). They tend to have limits to make sure that the tort cases they deal with do not adversely affect them instead. Most of the advocates support tort alteration, particularly in the personal injury lawsuits. This is because of the undulate effects legal fees and extreme damages have on industries and taxpayers by extension. Tort reform's advocates say these undulate effects result in prices that are higher for both services and products. At this point, they are complaining as w ell because they feel that these reforms do not do them good. They feel that at some point it becomes hard for them. They feel that they are not able to deal effectively with the effects that come along with these reforms. Areas of the authorized procedure which are embattled by tort reformists include contingency fees, venue shopping, and class action court cases.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Jewish state in Palestine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Jewish state in Palestine - Assignment Example As it stands today, in my opinion, there will not be a peaceful solution to this issue. The Balfour Declaration created in 1917 stated that Britain, which at the time ruled Palestine, was in favor of creating a Jewish homeland. The term â€Å"Palestinian† is a misnomer. The land of Palestine was under the rule of foreign power since Biblical times. The Arabs living in Palestine never had a ruling government. Britain and the UN, after World War II, set aside part of Palestine to create the new State of Israel. Another misconception is Jewish families came and threw Arab families off their land. The Jewish immigration since Herzl’s time had Jews coming to Palestine and buying land from local Arabs. After the Israel declared their independence, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordon, and Lebanon immediately attacked the new nation. The newly formed IDF (Israel Defense Forces) beat back the attacking forces and after a year won what is today Israel, excluding the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights. The Six Day War and Yom Kippur War gave Israel the Sinai, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Gaza Strip. Through negotiations the Sinai was returned to Egypt. The others are known as the Occupied Territories. When Israel formed their government, Jewish interests were placed first. The Holocaust had brought the cry â€Å"Never Again† to the lips of every Israel. The Arabs or â€Å"Palestinians† felt ostracized in their own country. The new language was Hebrew first, then Arab, and the English. Jews from all over the world flooded the tiny country, which is no bigger than New Jersey. The refugees of the wars, instead of leaving for an Arab country, were placed in refugees camps. Refugee camps in the Occupied Territory are cramped apartments where hunger and poverty run wild. The Palestinians started fighting against Israel through terror attacks on civilian targets. The Mahlot School

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tasks of contrastive lexicology Essay Example for Free

Tasks of contrastive lexicology Essay Questions 1. Lexicology as a subdivision of linguistics. Its object and tasks. 2. Subdivisions of lexicology. 3. Tasks of contrastive lexicology. Its theoretical and practical value. 4. The IC analysis in lexicological studies. 5. Distributional analysis in lexicological studies. 6. Transformational procedures in lexicological studies. 7. Componental analysis in lexicological studies. 8. Statistical methods of analysis in lexicological studies . 9. Contrastive analysis in lexicological studies. 10. The word as a fundamental unit of the language. 11. Criteria of the definition of the word. 12. Morphemes, free and bound forms. 13. Aims and principles of morphemic analysis. 14. Criteria for distinguishing between inflectional and derivational affixes. 15. Contrastive analysis of the morphemic structure of English and Ukrainian word. 16. Definition of the field of word-formation and approaches to the classification of the principal types of word-formation. 17. Word-formation rules and the notion of productivity in the field of word-formation. 18. Compounding as the type of word-formation: formal characteristics and types of compounds. 19. Contrastive analysis of noun compounds in English and Ukrainian. 20. Referential vs functional approach to meaning. 21. The notion of polysemy. 22. Systemic organization of lexicon. 23. Semantic change: metaphor. 24. Semantic change: metonymy. 25. Semantic change: hyperbole, litotes, irony. 26. Euphemisms and politically correct terms. 27. Types of varieties of a language. 28. Stylistically marked classes of words. 29. Types of literary-bookish words. 30. Neologisms: problems of defining and classification. 31. Non-literary colloquialisms. 32. Definition and subject-matter of lexicography. 33. Dictionary: definition and types. 34. Criteria of linguistic dictionaries classification. 35. Corpus and corpus linguistics. Parallel corpora. 36. Notable English and Ukrainian language corpora 37. The notion of synonymy. Types of synonyms. 38. The notion of idiomaticity and criteria of singling out phraseological units. 39. Classification of phraseological units. 40. Main sources of phraseological units. 41. The notion of homonymy. Sources and types of homonyms. 42. The connections of lexicology and grammar. 43. Lexicology and Stylistics: points of intersection. 44. Etymological structure of the English language. 45. Morphological types of words: approaches to classification. 46. Conversion and shortening as productive types of word-formation in English. 47. The notion of semantic indivisibility in phraseological studies. 48. Neologisms vs occasionalisms.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Character of George in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay

Of Mice and Men character essay George Character : George George, a character in Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck was â€Å"small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.† (Steinbeck, Pg.2) George was Caucasian and it looked as if he had stepped out of an old movie containing drifters, better known as migrant workers. Although physically George was very small, he had complete control over his companion Lennie, the way a father controls a son. George not only controlled Lennie but he also looked out for him and he wanted him to be happy. An example of this is how he constantly reminds Lennie of their dream, to work on their own farm, much like the dreams of other migrant workers. â€Å"Sure, we’d have a little house an’ a room to ourself, little fat iron stove an’ in the winter we’d keep a fire goin’ in it. It ain’t enough land so we’d have to work too hard. Maybe six, seven hours a day. An’ when we put in a crop, why, we’d be there to take the crop up. We’d know what come of our planting.† (Pg. 58) George had taken care of Lennie, every step of the way, just like his Aunt Clara told him to. â€Å"He ain’t much of a talker, is he? No he ain’t but sure is a hell of a good worker.†(Pg. 21-22) George even went as far as talking for Lennie to get him a job at the ranch, something not many workers would have done for eachother. Ev en though George acted like ... The Character of George in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men Essay Of Mice and Men character essay George Character : George George, a character in Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck was â€Å"small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.† (Steinbeck, Pg.2) George was Caucasian and it looked as if he had stepped out of an old movie containing drifters, better known as migrant workers. Although physically George was very small, he had complete control over his companion Lennie, the way a father controls a son. George not only controlled Lennie but he also looked out for him and he wanted him to be happy. An example of this is how he constantly reminds Lennie of their dream, to work on their own farm, much like the dreams of other migrant workers. â€Å"Sure, we’d have a little house an’ a room to ourself, little fat iron stove an’ in the winter we’d keep a fire goin’ in it. It ain’t enough land so we’d have to work too hard. Maybe six, seven hours a day. An’ when we put in a crop, why, we’d be there to take the crop up. We’d know what come of our planting.† (Pg. 58) George had taken care of Lennie, every step of the way, just like his Aunt Clara told him to. â€Å"He ain’t much of a talker, is he? No he ain’t but sure is a hell of a good worker.†(Pg. 21-22) George even went as far as talking for Lennie to get him a job at the ranch, something not many workers would have done for eachother. Ev en though George acted like ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Legalize anabolic steroids

SummaryThere is a huge national concern over the misuse and abuse of anabolic steroids for enhancement of muscular stature and performance among competitive athletes.   Latest estimates have shown that approximately 5% of all high school students have used anabolic steroids, with almost half of the high students believing that these drugs are not harmful to their health.   Drug enforcement legislations have included anabolic steroids in its list of traffic-controlled substances (21 USC Sec. 801 1/22/02; Schedule III).   However, the bigger picture of the medical and research benefits of anabolic drugs have been overlooked due to the sensationalize media coverage of these drugs.   Current scientific researches are still inconclusive on whether anabolic steroids are extremely unsafe for administration, opposite to what has been actively claimed by anti-drug officials and government authorities.DatesThe Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 (ASCA) was established to regulate the distribution of anabolic steroids in the United States.   The Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice has been mandated to implement measures to protect the people from these dangerous drugs.   A four-part definition of anabolic steroids serves as a blueprint to identify any analogues of the chemical substance that may be uncontrollably dispensed to athletes and other youths.The definition included substances that are chemically and pharmacologically similar to testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, as well as a very close likeness in its enhancement for muscle growth.   The Act classified anabolic steroids in the same category as barbiturates and LSD precursors and claim that these substances result in dangerous effects to the human body.   The Act declares that any individual caught in the possession of these anabolic steroids will be arrested and prosecuted.   The list of anabolic steroids in the Act are continuously being updated, as new versio ns of these drugs are progressively being created through the years.AddressesDrug Enforcement AdministrationU.S. Department of JusticeWashington, D.C.   20038-8083SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONBackgroundAnabolic androgenic steroids are testosterone derivatives that are mainly used for muscle and performance enhancement.   These drugs are frequently used by competitive athletes in order to achieve an edge or better control of their physical strength and performance during professional sports games.   Retrospective surveys indicated that anabolic steroids have been used since the 1960s to date (Duchaine, 1983), with current national user rates ranging from 3% to 9% among high school students alone.   The exact effect of anabolic steroids in the developing human body has not been fully studied, and the increase in number of reports of teenage athletes committing suicide has called the attention of the legislation to assess and review drug enforcement laws covering this specific drug .It has been reported that the prolonged use of anabolic steroids have may cause a number of adverse effects to the human body, including liver damage, gynecomastia, atherogenesis, psychiatric disorders such as aggression and violence, and even death (Balbigian, 2001; Brower, 2002; Glazer, 1991; Pope and Katz, 1990; Malone et al. 1995).   Investigations on the nationwide use of anabolic steroids have prompted Congress to establish the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, which mainly indicates that the non-medical employment of anabolic steroids is punishable by law.   Any violations will be penalized by at least 15 days to 5 years imprisonment and/or $1,000 to $1,000,000 fine, depending on the extent of the violation.   So far, the general public has supported the Anabolic Steroid Control Act, mostly due to the massive and militant media coverage of the topic.However, the actual negative effects of the use of anabolic steroidal drugs have not been comprehensively investigate d to date, and that the reports that have been disclosed in the media have been isolated cases picked out from millions of cases of teenage users around the United States.   Scientifically, the adverse effects from the prolonged use of anabolic steroids remain inconclusive to date, and in actuality, anabolic steroid use has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of medical disorders.In one report, it has lately been determined that the effect of an anabolic steroid to the treatment of weight loss in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients is equivalently effective and safe as compared to the commonly administered recombinant growth hormone that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (Storer et al. 2005).   In another scenario, the administration of an anabolic steroid has been beneficial in prostate cancer patients by preventing further migration of prostate cancer cells to other parts of the body (Guerini et al. 2005).   The anabolic steroid oxandrolone has been successfully used in the treatment of muscle loss in patients diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and may be a potential powerful candidate for general treatment of such types of patients (Balagopal et al. 2006).Scientific research shows that anabolic steroids provide more beneficial effects than what has been claimed by legislation as serious, adverse effects to the human body.   More so, the negative reports that have associated with the use of anabolic steroids have not been investigated scientifically and have only achieved much attention through the help of media and press coverage.   Therefore, it is imperative that the legislative bodies review the restrictions associated with the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 and fully determine the actual effects of anabolic steroid intake.   It is regretful to know that there are other drugs and activities that are much more deleterious or harmful to people but are not actively controlled by the Sen ate, including smoking, cosmetic surgery and over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, which has caused even more cases of deaths and hospitalizations that anabolic steroids.The Proposed RuleBased on the above information on the current status, knowledge and use of anabolic steroids, we would like to propose that anabolic steroids be legalized for use in the United States.   In turn, we would like to emphasize the need for further scientific research to determine the mechanisms of action of each type of anabolic drug to gain a better understanding of its indications and contraindications.   There should be a comprehensive survey on the frequency of use of anabolic steroids across the human population, with stratified categories of users such as teenage athletes, geriatric patients, cancer patients, and so on.   Any cases that report any adverse effect from use of anabolic steroids should be properly documented and analyzed.   Should there be sufficient reason tha t anabolic steroids be stopped from circulation in the community, we are willing to review these effects once significant information has been gathered from reliable reports.Legal ConsiderationsAs the use of anabolic steroids is legalized, we in turn, propose that a nationwide surveillance program on the use of anabolic steroids be implemented by the Drug Enforcement Administration, as a measurement tool on the exact effects on the use of these substances.   The information that will be gathered will be integrated into an national anabolic steroid database for analysis and interpretation.   All anabolic steroid cases will be included in the database, including any advantages, disadvantages or no visible effects that may be related to the intake of this drug.The surveillance program will be conducted for 2 years, of which at its culmination, will be evaluated and further amendments will be based on the results of the analysis and interpretation of this database.   Such survey w ill provide a better understanding of the effects of anabolic steroid use, which will be more reliable, robust and scientific, and we will not have to depend on influences or propaganda from the media or other government officials.ReferencesBabigian A, Silverman RT (2001): Management of gynecomastia due to use of anabolic steroids in bodybuilders. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.   107:240–242.Balagopal P, Olney R, Darmaun D, Mougey E, Dokler M, Sieck G and Hammond D (2006):   Oxandrolone enhances skeletal muscle myosin synthesis and alters global gene expression profile in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.   Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 290:E530–E539.Brower KJ   (2002): Anabolic steroid abuse and dependence. Curr. Psychiatry Rep.   4:377–383.Duchaine D., ed. (1983):   Underground Steroid Handbook, 1st Ed. California: HLR Technical Books, 84pp.Glazer G (1991): Atherogenic effects of anabolic steroids on serum lipid levels. Arch. Intern. Med. 151:1925–1 933.Guerini V, Sau D, Scaccianoce E, Rusmini P, Ciana P, Maggi A, Martini PGV, Katzenellenbogen BS, Martini L, Motta M and Poletti A (2005):   The androgen derivative 5ÃŽ ±-androstane-3ÃŽ ²,17ÃŽ ²-diol inhibits prostate cancer cell migration through activation of the estrogen receptor ÃŽ ² subtype.   Cancer Res.   65(12):5445-5453.Malone DA Jr, Dimeff R, Lombardo JA, Sample BRH (1995): Psychiatric effects and psychoactive substance use in anabolic-androgenic steroid users. Clin. J. Sports Med. 5:25–31.Pope HG Jr. and Katz DL (1990): Homicide and near-homicide by anabolic steroid users. J. Clin. Psychiatry   51:28–31.Storer TW, Woodhouse LJ, Sattler F, Singh FB, Schroeder ET, Beck K, Padero MC, Mac P, Yarasheski KE, Geurts P, Willemsen A, Harms MK and and Bhasin S   (2005):   A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of nandrolone decanoate in human   immunodeficiency virus-infected men with mild to moderate weight loss with recombinant human growth hormone a s active reference treatment.   J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.   90(8):4474–4482.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pestle Factors Essay

PESTEL analysis stands for â€Å"Political, Economic, Social, and Technological, Environmental and Legal analysis†. It is a part of the external analysis when conducting a strategic analysis or doing market research and gives a certain overview of the different macro-environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. Political factors or how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided and those that the government does not want to be provided. Furthermore, governments have great influence on the health, education, and infrastructure of a nation. Economic factors – Businesses need to make money to continue to exist. They do this by listening to customers to ensure they keep their customers and attract new ones with good services that customers want and need. It is extremely important for businesses to respond to changes in demand from customers. They include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how businesses operate and make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firm’s cost of capital and therefore to what extent a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy. Social factors – Society’s habits and tastes are changing. People are more aware of the importance of the environment and becoming ‘green consumers’. Green consumers prefer goods and services that are ‘environmentally-friendly’ and which have less impact on the environment. They include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company’s products and how that company operates. For example, an ageing population may imply a smaller and less-willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). Furthermore, companies may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends (such as recruiting older workers). Technological factors – Businesses are continually developing new technologies to provide the best solutions for the market place. Intelligent companies find out what the most appropriate technologies are for their businesses and use them. They include ecological and environmental aspects, such as R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. Environmental factors – include weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance. Furthermore, growing awareness to climate change is affecting how companies operate and the products they offer-it is both creating new markets and diminishing or destroying existing ones. Legal factors – Legal changes that affect business are closely tied up with political ones. Many changes in the law stem from government policy. They include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Crimson Craving †My Fascination with Vampires

Crimson Craving – My Fascination with Vampires Free Online Research Papers Crimson Craving Blood sucker. Leach. Succubus. Cold one. They have been called many names. They have remained a mystery for many years. Songs have been written about them. Many movies have been made about them. Vampires are one of the many mysterious entities that have been of great interest for as long as I can remember. Every time a new movie comes out about them, a new curiosity is sparked and a fad is reborn. However, one of the movies recently made from a popular novel about vampires has become one of the most popular of all time, and has three more parts in its saga. A plethora of memorabilia was created about Twilight. It quickly became a hit. It is definitely a popular culture of the current times. If you were alive in November 2008 when the movie came out, you witnessed the craze. If you did not witness it and you were alive, then you must have been hiding under a rock somewhere. My fascination with Twilight grew from a fascination with vampires I have had for many years. I have seen Interview With a Vampire, the myriad of remakes of Dracula, and even watch television series’ about vampires, such as True Blood. I can remember listening to a song by Sarah McLachlan over and over that she wrote about vampires called â€Å"Building a Mystery†. The lyrics that most interested me were, â€Å"You come out at night. That’s when the energy comes. And the dark side’s light, and the vampires roam†¦..You’re so careful when I’m in your arms† (McLachlan, 1997, track 1). Twilight put a whole new twist on everything I had already been intrigued by for so many years. Twilight, written by Stephenie Meyer in 2005, came to the theater in November 2008. I had already read the book, actually all four of them. This was a must see for me. I have been deeply intrigued by vampires for quite some time. So many aspects about them beckon to me to research and learn all I can about them. I have seen countless movies about vampires. Twilight swept them all away. The way vampires were presented as being so graceful, depicts them to be more than vicious, blood thirsty beasts as they have been portrayed. They are graceful and careful creatures, almost â€Å"feline-like† in their demeanor, as Meyer referred to them numerous times throughout the series’ (Meyer, 2005). Twilight was an addiction of mine, as well as the other three novels in the saga, to the point of reading at a stop light just to be able to get in a few more pages. It was so exciting and I wanted to be Bella Swan, the main female character. The characters being made to seem so real captivated me also. By the time you see the movie, you feel as if you know them. Meyer describes them in such detail that you get a mental picture which is justified upon viewing the movie. They are all described as so astonishingly beautiful, â€Å"I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful. They were faces you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine.† (Meyer, 2005, p. 19.) Twilight starring so many beautiful male characters did not hinder my addiction either. As many other females, and probably males alike, I fell for Edward Cullen, the main male character, and his romanticism. I wanted to meet someone like him. I wanted to be swept off my feet by him like he did Bella. I wanted to feel like he made her feel. Bella’s character is one that every young female can relate to. Meyer does an excellent job epitomizing how it feels to be falling in love. Everything about this book and movie enthralled me. Twilight displays many theories that we have discussed in class. The most outstanding are controlling images, life chances, and the Theory of Socialization, or Looking Glass Self. Bella and Edward were from two different worlds; Bella is human and Edward is not. This alone implicated many sociological theories. Vampires are rarely portrayed as kind or gentle. They are stereotyped as blood thirsty monsters that kill at will. This is an example of a controlling image. Since vampires are looked upon as bad creatures, the good creatures of the world, humans, have maimed their image. We are taught to fear vampires. Meyer works with that theory and tries to make Edward out to be a good, caring, warm, and loving partner for Bella. As Meyer does describe his hunts in the book, he is very tender when Bella is around. When he has to attack, he gets very embarrassed and ashamed and does not want Bella to fear him. The Looking Glass Self theory is definitely one that is used in Twilight. Cooley theorized that the impression of our self roots from two reasons: â€Å"by ones actual experiences and by what one imagines others ideas of oneself to be† (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009). Because of the image society has on vampires, Edward is insecure and embarrassed and feels like he is a monster. Because the idea behind vampires is so negative, no matter how much good Edward does in the world, he will always be damaged due to this theory. The image that has been given to vampires is directly reflected back on how Edward sees himself; he does not see himself as a beautiful, gentle, loving man. Edward asks Bella â€Å"You don’t care if I’m a monster? If I’m not human?† (Meyer, 2005, p. 184). The way Meyer has presented him to us is just the opposite of how he views himself. Max Weber introduces the theory of life chances in which an individual is given opportunities to improve their life (Marshall, 1998). Bella sees becoming a vampire as an opportunity to not only permanently be with the man she loves, but also not to ever grow old. Bella’s biggest fear is that she will age and Edward will not love her anymore. Meyer presents Bella with an opportunity to obtain that forever young status. However, Edward sees that chance as a negative one as Bella will have to give up so much of her life. He sees staying mortal as a life chance and tries to dissuade Bella from desiring to become a monster, like him. Edward tells Bella, â€Å"So ready for this to be the end. For this to be the twilight of your life, though your life has barely started. You’re ready to give up everything† (Meyer, 2005, p. 497). Edward wishes he could have that chance at life again. He tells Bella â€Å"I don’t want to be a monster.† (Meyer, p 187). This t heory applies to both main characters, but in opposite ways. The values of a culture often mirror its suggestion about what is right, good, fair, and just. American values mimic this. These values vary among groups within a culture. Bella was caught in the realm of her own values and trying to fit into life with Edward. It was a constant battle for her to accomplish this. Some of the values that were exposed in Twilight were responsibility, accountability, competition, moralism, individualism, external conformity, and youth orientation. The main characters were in constant battle within themselves to adhere to these values. Both Edward and Bella show that they value responsibility throughout Twilight. Bella’s responsibility is shown when she becomes concerned for the safety of her mortal family after getting caught in the middle of an ongoing vampire feud. She fears that the â€Å"bad† vampires will go after her family to get to her. Edward in turn feels a responsibility to keep her safe, since he feels like he got her caught up in the first place. Edward also shows responsibility in their relationship. He knows how physically strong he is and that his powers are superhuman; he knows he could really hurt Bella if he is not extremely careful. He tries to warn her that their relationship could be catastrophic. At one point in the book, he tells her, â€Å"It’s better if we’re not friends. Trust me.† (Meyer, 2005, p. 74). He practices caution at all times when he is handling her. Then again later on he warns her that, â€Å"Sometimes I have a problem with my temper, Bel la† (Meyer, 2005, p. 164) and also tells her that her â€Å"number was up the first time I met you† (Meyer, 2005, p. 175). Showing responsibility for someone you love is a value that we learn early on in life. The two main characters also take accountability for their actions, which is another American value represented in Twilight. Bella and Edward know what they are possibly getting themselves into when they begin a relationship between a mortal and an immortal. They also come to understand the consequences of Bella knowing that Edward is a vampire and the repercussions that could arise, and do later on in the series, from knowing this. Not once in the movie or book did either of them try to place the blame on someone else for their relationship. This shows that accountability was a value to the writer. It teaches us that we are responsible for our own decisions and it shows us that we have to be accountable for what may come of those decisions at any cost. The one value that Bella and Edward always were faced with was competition. Bella felt like she may have to compete for Edward’s attention with any female vampire who should come along. She also felt like she had competition in her face with Edward’s sister Rosalie, who is absolutely beautiful and was originally supposed to be Edward’s mate. Even though Edward truly only had eyes for Bella, she still felt like she had to compete to win his affection. Edward also felt like he had to compete with boys who were more like Bella. Edward could not participate in everything that â€Å"normal† teenagers do since his strength was overpowering, his skin was ice cold, he does not eat or drink or need sleep, and can not go in the sun; he could not risk being found out so he opted out of many activities. He also felt like he could never reveal his true self to Bella, so she might find herself feeling closer to someone else that opened up to her. This made him feel inse cure and like he had to compete. Most of us have felt like we had to compete for the attention of someone or to get something we want in life, so this value being depicted in the movie made it extremely easy to relate to. Moralism is another American value Meyer displays in Twilight. Many Americans tend to be moralists who view the world through the lens of right or wrong and are therefore quick to judge. Obviously being with a vampire who kills as a way of life and to exist is going to disagree with the value of moralism in many ways. Bella fought with this once she figured out that Edward was a vampire. None of her friends or family could ever know of this because she feared that she would be judged. She loved him from the very beginning and wanted to do the right thing. Edward did too. He would have never wanted anything bad to happen to Bella, so moralism played a part in every decision they made in regard to being together. We take on the issue of moralism in every day life every time we are trying to make a decision, big or small, since our actions ultimately affect more than just ourselves. We ponder on if the choice we are about to make is morally right or wrong and what society will think ab out us. The next American value I think was symbolized in Twilight was individualism, which is defined as â€Å"belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence† (Merriam-Webster online). Bella needed to hold onto her individualism and still be able to be a part of Edward’s world. She wanted to still be able to fit in with her friends which meant she needed to keep a part of her individualism alive. However, Edward valued this more so than did Bella for herself. Edward was very afraid that Bella would lose herself and be disappointed later in life if she became one of him. Edward had been mortal at one time in his life, though very long ago, and did not want Bella to regret losing her individuality. As humans, as much as we try to convert and mesh with someone else’s lifestyle, it is very important for us to remain an individual. Along the same lines as moralism, external conformity was one of the most prominent values portrayed in Twilight. As we struggle to fit in throughout our lives, Americans believe in conformity to group patterns. Bella wanted to fit in with her friends who were dating amongst each other and doing all the teenage activities. She wanted to conform and fit in so she could feel normal. She also wanted to conform to the way of life that her beloved Edward lived. However, these two worlds clashed and she could never safely do both. Therefore, Bella struggled with the value of external conformity and never really mastered it. The one value that was shown time and time again in Twilight was youth orientation. Bella was not like Edward and his family. They were hundreds of years old and still described as â€Å"the most beautiful people she had ever seen† (Meyer, 2005, pp. 18-19). It was made apparent to Bella early on that she was aging and she would never be able to keep up with Edward’s youthful beauty. She tells him, â€Å"I may not die now†¦ but I am going to die sometime. Every minute of the day I get closer. And I am going to get old.† (Meyer, 2005, p. 476). Americans are constantly reminded by popular culture messages that it is more appealing to stay young at all costs, and that old is ugly. Bella’s biggest fear was that Edward would no longer find her attractive when she started to age, although he constantly reminded her that this would never happen. Bella had nightmares about growing old and Edward no longer being interested in her. She is consumed with not aging and keeping her youth alive. Youth orientation is a major value for Bella, as she is the only mortal among the accepting Cullen family. This pop culture phenomenon has caused controversy. Many people refused to read the books or see the movie because vampires are considered demonic and evil. Another issue I have heard or read is that society worries if being in love with a vampire is healthy, that it is giving young tweens false hope and a distorted sense of reality. I do believe that the book sold many more copies than many other books by long time famous authors and continues to, so this could cause some envy of other authors. I have not heard anything in the news or tabloid other than that people were disappointed that the movie did not give as much to us as the book did; I agree. This is probably not a controversy, but may cause people to be reluctant on seeing the next movies in the saga. It did, however get major media attention due to its overwhelming popularity. The truth about Twilight is that is very popular. When one reads it, one gets captivated and wants to read more and continue on reading the next book and the next book and the next book. It is known world wide. When the movie came out, it was all about â€Å"team Edward† or â€Å"team Jacob†. There were countless posters and t-shirts and bags and blankets that boasted the characters, usually Bella and Edward†¦..you name it, they made it. It was more than a movie and a book. It was something that most young people, especially females, could easily relate to. As a young female, most of us fall for the wrong person, a bad boy, the one from the wrong side of the tracks. It is addicting. Although it was geared towards young readers, it did not stop there; people of all ages read it. It swept across our country as well as others and soon became the talk of the town. Everywhere I went, I heard blurbs about the book and how excited people were to see the movie. Twilight an d its books to follow, entranced many generations and is definitely a popular culture phenomenon that will be remembered as one of the most popular series of novels. References American values. Retrieved from aboutsociology.com/sociology/Value on June 25, 2009. Cooley, Charles Horton. (2009). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved June 28, 2009, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online: http://search.eb.com/eb/article-9026130 Gordon, M. life-chances. A Dictionary of Sociology. 1998. Retrieved June 26, 2009 from Encyclopedia.com: encyclopedia.com/doc/1O88-lifechances.html McLachlan, S. (1997). Building a Mystery. On Surfacing CD. Arista Records. Meyer, S. (2005). Twilight. New York: Little, Brown and Company. www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/individualism retrieved on June 26 2009. Research Papers on Crimson Craving - My Fascination with VampiresWhere Wild and West MeetTwilight of the UAWHip-Hop is ArtThe Fifth HorsemanAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfDefinition of Export Quotas

Monday, November 4, 2019

MA thesis proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MA thesis - Research Proposal Example Social media plays an important role in public relations department in private and public sectors. Internet service is not limited to entertainment and information but moves on to providing electronic services. The government of Saudi Arabia has, for example, realized the importance of internet and has given it special attention. Public relations specialists also believe, according to Alenizi, that internet applications have a high ability to elevate work quality and speed of the organization to deliver services to their customers. A study by Alshehri also shows that the use of electronic application contributes in minimizing the cost and elevating the quality of production (Jenaibi, 2013). Consequently, and according to http://www.yesser.gov.sa, an electronic government program drawn from the royal decree number 7/b/23181 in 2003 stated that all government entities have to provide electronic services through the ministry of communication and information technology (Saud & Khan, 2013 ). Saud and Khan (2013) showed that the use of social media in Saudi Arabia is rising with increase in the access to mobile phones. In 2012, the number of Facebook users in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia was 6 million and in 2013, the number increased to 7.8 million. Similarly, Saudi twitter users increased from three million in 2012 to five million in 2013. The country’s use of Instagram increased from 4 million users in 2012 to 5.7 million in 2013. According to Shorkey and Uebel (2014), many companies in Saudi Arabia, public and private, use social media for marketing. The study highlighted Flynas, STC, McDonald’s and Toyota as the top brands on Facebook. Jenaibi (2013) highlights Aramco, SABIC and STC as the top ranking companies on Twitter. Companies that deal in cosmetics and cars are the ones that rank high in the use of Instagram in Saudi Arabia. A single privately owned company in the country can have up to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Analysis .... depend on the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis .... depend on the movie - Essay Example The general public has been separated into intellectuals and proprietors, who live in comfort, and manual workers, who reside in its suburbs and whose single function is controlling the equipment that move the city (Minden & Bachmann, 2002). The movie revolves around two individuals; first, Freder, who was the son of the metropolitan’s chief planner, and second Maria, who is a young female from the working class and thinks that sooner or later a arbitrator will arrive to reconcile differences in the class. After understanding that Freder supports the employees, she believes that he may be the rescuer that she has visualized. â€Å"The most important feature of this movie is that the special effects utilized in this sci-fi classic were pioneering â€Å"at the time of the release and still have the power to amaze audiences† (Elsaesser, 2008). Metropolis features exceptional camera work and set designs that still amaze contemporary viewers with their visual impact - the m ovie has â€Å"cinematic and thematic bonds to German Expressionism† (Prestel Art Press, 1999), despite the fact that the structural design, as represented in the movie, emerges founded on present-day modernization as well as ‘Art Deco’.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Educational Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Educational Communication - Essay Example Susan realizes there is more to life and makes the decision to pursue an education regardless of the fact that her family disapproves of it. The film gives an account of Susan’s story and progress as an adult learner from an inexperienced person with reverence for great learning of the university types, to a higher appreciation of herself as well as the role played by education. Nonetheless, the film went further to exemplify numerous theories concerning adult education as well as learning while simultaneously depicts the continuing struggles that are faced by adult educators together with their learners. At some point in the film, Susan is depicted watching a television show for one of the course she takes. In 1983, this was the only realistic manner of running a massive open course because there was no internet as well as wide-spread use of videotapes. She then goes to see Frank as he is her tutor and this is a reflection of the manner in which the universities are run in Britain. However, the Open University targets the working adults with tutorial hours being held in the evenings. The Open University that was started in 1969 by the Labor Party waives the traditional entrance prerequisites for the adult learners. Open Learning continues to grow strong with more than a quarter a million students all over the globe and it has been recognized in the United States. This form of learning employs a blend of methods in its delivery of courses that include research, gradate as well as undergraduate divisions. There are various reasons and topologies that explain why adults take part in formal adult education initiatives. The first topology which is liberal is different from the vocational or careers programs, self-improvement, civic engagements as well as emancipator purposes. In this set-up, liberal denotes arts curriculum, awareness of literature, sciences arts as well as history that makes people human. The reasons

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Role of Business Communication Essay Example for Free

The Role of Business Communication Essay The role of business communication to the profitability of the organization Communication is an integral part of an organization. Communication is required not only for good human relations but also for a successful business. Communication seeks to fulfill the basic functions such as to inform, to persuade and to promote goodwill. Communication involves sharing information, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans between various parts of an organization. Therefore just giving directives without expecting a response is naive as it requires the attachment of some meaning to the message sent or received. In a large organization communicating effectively still proves to be a difficult task as communication sometimes takes place over a number of channels and so retaining the basic meaning is literally challenging. Communication seeks to inform individuals so that they are more aware of what is necessary in order to perform a task or to function within the organization. Information such as work ethics, production, benefits, safety regulations and training are just some of the things that employees are informed of maintain successful operation of the organizations. This will also help in the decision making process as employees will act on the best information available to them. Likewise, communication helps in persuading individuals to perform at a level that they would not ordinarily do. Managers often use open communication to influence others to perform the tasks required to achieve organizational goals. This open communication allows individuals to freely share mutual experiences, preferences, likes and dislikes. It also enables managers to create a climate for motivation, that is, a manager’s ability to influence the desired behaviour for performance depends on his ability to effectively communicate with his direct reports and staff at all levels. Communication also enables people to learn how they are doing at their jobs and how performance is being measured, as this is the heart of employee performance appraisals. Communication is necessary to attain managerial function. One such function is promoting good will. Many companies dedicate a whole department for this purpose while others just has one individual. Companies tend to be vigilant this area due to the tax benefits as well as a means of advertising as this goodwill helps in protecting their corporate image. By doing so they advertise a lot, give a way grant, gifts and other benefits to needy persons and shelters in and around their communities as well as on a national scale. For example Bank of Nova Scotia, Sandals and Courts just to name a few. Many managers have come to realize that having an open and effective communication can help in accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. Employees who are properly informed and are able to express themselves without having to go through the chain of command will be more motivated to produce. Both organizational and personal goals can be achieved.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hazards in High Temperature Work Environment

Hazards in High Temperature Work Environment Production environment meteorological conditions affected plant construction, ventilation equipment, process and heat conditions, etc., while at high temperatures or the presence of high air humidity or heat radiation and other adverse weather conditions, production labor, it may become a high-temperature operation. High temperature classification High temperature, heat radiation jobs: as between metallurgy, casting, forging, heat treatment furnace workshop, boiler, etc. These workplaces high temperatures, high thermal radiation intensity, is dry and hot environment. Hot, humid jobs: such as dyeing, reeling, paper, wet deep mine operations, mainly due to the large amount of water vapor generated during production or production process requirements workshop to maintain a high relative humidity due. Outdoor summer jobs: as summer farm labor, construction, transportation and other outdoor jobs, mainly due to direct solar radiation and heating the ground and surrounding objects form a secondary effect of the additional heat affected. What are the health effects of high temperature? High temperatures can lead to acute heat-induced illness (such as barbed hot, prickly heat and heat stroke) and chronic thermally induced disease (chronic heat failure, hypertension, myocardial damage, digestive disorders, skin diseases, tropical lethargy, kidney stones, hot water resistance failure, etc.). E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 2010715162605.jpg occupational heat stroke in high temperature operating environment, due to thermal equilibrium and (or) water-salt metabolism disorders caused by central nervous system and (or) cardiovascular disorders as the main manifestation of acute illness. What are the clinical manifestations of occupational heat stroke, heat stroke after how this process? Heatstroke aura: After some time working workplace temperature, dizziness, headache, thirst, sweating, general fatigue, heart palpitations, inability to concentrate, incoordination and other symptoms, the body temperature normal or slightly elevated. Principles: Temporarily out of high-temperature field, and be closely observed. Mild heat stroke: In addition to the aggravation of the symptoms of heat stroke, the emergence of facial flushing, sweating, rapid pulse, such as performance, body temperature rises above 38.5 Æ’. Principles: rapidly from the high-temperature field, to the shade to rest; give a refreshing drink salt and symptomatic treatment. Severe heat stroke can be divided into heatstroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion III, also can appear mixed. E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 5604331_993159.jpg heatstroke (including sunstroke), also known as heat stroke, high fever, the body heat in hot environments blocked thermoregulatory mechanism disorders caused high mortality rate (20 to 40%). Which is characterized by sudden onset of high temperature environment, the temperature up to 40 Æ’, early disease sweating, followed by no sweat, hot and dry skin may be associated with different levels of consciousness disorders. Heat cramps due to excessive sweating, body sodium, potassium loss caused by excessive. Mainly for the obvious muscle spasm, accompanied by contraction pain. Occur in many activities, such as abdominal muscles and limbs, especially for the gastrocnemius. Often has symmetry. Sometimes seizures, sometimes ease. Patients with clear consciousness, body temperature normal. Heat exhaustion is a high temperature, high humidity environment, increase skin blood flow is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in splanchnic vasoconstriction or blood volume, the body can not compensate temporary brain ischemia induced syncope. The main clinical manifestations of dizziness, headache, sweating, thirst, nausea, vomiting, and then clammy skin, blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, mild dehydration, the body temperature slightly higher or normal. Usually a short break to clear, generally do not cause circulatory failure. E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke QQ picture 20130701150544.jpg principles: rapidly be physical cooling and (or) drugs cooling; correct water and electrolyte imbalance; symptomatic treatment. Stroke patients with timely treatment, and can be quickly restored without having transferred from the original work. The importance of missionary training E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 201076192404.jpg if workers in high temperature environment, the employer is necessary to workplace hazards temperatures timely assessment of the situation, and to develop plan to prevent heat stroke. In addition, the employer shall provide workers and their exposure to high temperature hazard awareness training competent enough, the content should include the following components: awareness (1) high temperature hazards, (2) occupational heat stroke prevention, (3) how to recognize heat stroke symptoms, (4) when their stroke symptoms appear or colleagues how to do. Remember: If a worker or colleague can leave a hot environment that is in the early stages of heat stroke occurs, you can effectively avoid aggravating the problem. What measures should be taken to control workplace hazards temperature? E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 1315212318.jpg [technical measures] 1 rational design of production processes: Improved production equipment and method of operation is the fundamental measures to improve the working conditions of high temperature operation. Such as steel casting, rolling, casting, enamel and other production automation, allows workers away from heat, while reducing labor intensity. Heat source arrangement should meet the following requirements: à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚   try disposed outside the shop; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¡ When using hot-based natural ventilation, as arranged in the skylight below; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¢ When using drafts based natural ventilation, as arranged in the summer the prevailing wind direction leeward side; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ £ take on heat insulation measures; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¤ so easy to use cooling measures work place, you can set partition (plate) between the heat source, so that hot air rises along the wall, through the skylight discharge, in order to avoid spread throughout the workshop; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¥ hot finished and semi-finish ed out of the workshop should be downwind side or stacked. 2 Insulation: Insulation is an important measure to prevent heat radiation, can use water or thermal conductivity of insulation materials, including large specific heat of water, can effectively absorb radiant heat. E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 7576382.jpg3 ventilation and cooling: through doors and windows, natural ventilation slits have some effect, but the high temperature in this way alone workshop often can not meet the cooling needs, this time can be used to achieve mechanical ventilation cooling purposes. 4 temperature and humidity regulation system: The air conditioning system can effectively reduce the temperature in the workplace, for the presence of open water tanks, steam valves and other heat sources, can be used dehumidifier system reduces the temperature of the air in the workplace. [Health measures] 1 hot work should be supplemented with the sweat of workers equal amount of water and salt. The salt content of the beverage 0.15% and 0.2% is appropriate. Drinking a few times appropriate manner. Labor in a hot environment, the energy consumption increases, so should be appropriate to add the total dietary calories and vitamins. E:. Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 414007_066080.jpg2 temperature worker overalls, should heat, thermal conductivity and permeability of good fabric. Prevent radiant heat, available white overalls made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of canvas or aluminum foil. Special high-temperature operation of workers, such as thermal lining repair, cleaning and other types of ladle to prevent intense heat radiation effect, are required to wear masks and wearing thermal insulation, fire-retardant, ventilation heat protective clothing, such as spraying metals (copper, silver) insulation masks, aluminum insulated clothing. 3 workers exposed to high temperatures should be pre-employment physical examination and the summer before, where there is uncontrolled hypertension, chronic nephritis, uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, uncontrolled diabetes, the body above the scar area ≠¥20% (injury standard eight) as well as those who belong to the high-temperature operation of epilepsy disease contraindications, should not engage in high-temperature operation. In addition, arrangements must not engage in female workers during pregnancy third level, fourth level jobs temperature specified in the job grading standards. E: Health Education and Promotion missionaries taught forum 03 occupational hazards and health effects heat stroke 4_110803104730_1.jpg [management] According to regional climate characteristics, appropriate adjustments to labor and rest in summer high temperature regime. Pergola lounge or seating should be set up away from heat sources as possible, there must be adequate cooling facilities and beverages. Large factories can set up special air-conditioning system with the rest of the workers apartment, to ensure workers exposed to high temperatures during the summer months there is sufficient sleepy eyes and rest. Outdoor summer jobs as well as jobs in workplace temperature can not be controlled below 33 Æ’, the employer to the employee shall be paid a monthly allowance temperature. [Organizational measures] (A) The maximum daily temperatures reach above 39 Æ’, the day should stop outdoor open-air work; (B) the daily maximum temperature reached less than 37 Æ’ to 39 Æ’ (excluding 39 Æ’), the day outdoors outdoor working hours shall not more than six hours, 12:00 to 16:00 outdoors outdoor work should be suspended; (C) the daily maximum temperature reaches above 35 Æ’ to below 37 Æ’ (excluding 37 Æ’), the employer shall take the holiday shift, etc., to shorten the time of continuous operation, and shall arrange outdoor open-air job workers to work overtime. (D) shall not cause pregnant women and juvenile workers in the workplace more than 35 Æ’ hot weather and outdoor work in temperatures above 33 Æ’. [Emergency Health Check] For the hot season there have heatstroke aura job workers, or exposure to high temperatures due to the accident or occupational exposure may lead to heat stroke populations (including participation accident rescue personnel), when asked whether headache, dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, sweating , fever, little or no urine and other symptoms, and observe the condition of consciousness. Physical examination should focus on checking temperature, blood pressure, pulse and nervous system, and carry out blood, urine, serum electrolytes and renal function and other laboratory tests. Diagnosis apply occupational heat stroke] When the diagnosis of occupational institution for occupational heat stroke diagnostic materials need to be prepared include: (A) proof of evidence of health damage, such as occupational health inspection results; (B) evidence to prove labor relations, such as labor contracts, work permits, the employer proof; ID card copy (three) require diagnosis workers; (D) Other evidence: as occupational history, history of exposure to high temperatures and weather conditions at work, workplace temperature detection and evaluation information.